My first radio show of the semester had a small issue: the aux wasn't working, so I couldn't use my laptop. Which meant that most of the show was spent scurrying back and forth between the studio and the music library.
The playlist from the all CD show:
The Hold Steady - Hot Soft Light
The Music Lovers - A Hell of a Kid
Spoon - All the Pretty Girls Go to the City
Cat Power - Living Proof
Yo La Tengo - Mr. Tough
Belle & Sebastian - Sukie in the Graveyard
John Vanderslice - Exodus Damage
Wolf Parade - It's a Curse
The Wrens - This Boy is Exhausted
Broken Social Scene - Fire Eye'd Boy
Stars - Elevator Love Letter
Akron/Family - No Space in This Realm
Wilco - Can't Stand It
M. Ward - Right in the Head
M. Ward - Four Hours in Washington
TV on the Radio - Staring at the Sun