Friday, December 31, 2004

My new computer rocks. It came today, and I'm already very much in love with it -- the conversion from PC user to Mac owner was quite easy. The design of the iBook is awesome -- there are all these little things (like the power cord's little prongs to make wrapping the cord easier, and the rounded corners, etc) that are just very nice and well thought out. So yes. Yay for my new computer!

No New Year's Eve plans for me -- I lead such an exciting life.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas to everyone. Christmas went well this year -- all of my immediate family was home, which was nice, and most of my extended family came as well.

My major Christmas present was also the last-minute one: a new computer. The latest estimate to fix my computer was $649 or something around that... So we just went with a new (well, technically refurbished) iBook instead. Woohoo. The pretty 14 -inch iBook shall be mine... Probably sometimes next week. And this time, I got the extended warranty. Let it not be said that I don't learn from my mistakes.

Other than that, not much to say. Yay for lazy days and games with family.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The latest problem with my computer: the modem doesn't seem to be working. So not internet for me, at least not with my laptop. Rar.

Other than that and the possible flu I'm dealing with, all is well. The new puppy is very cute, the other animals are good, I'm learning how to knit, and hanging out with friends and family is great. Yay break!

Friday, December 17, 2004

I am done. It's a fantastic feeling. All in all, my finals went pretty well. I think I did okay on my religion final today, and I got my last paper back when I was done, and I did very well on it... So that should cancel out any less than stellar portions of the exam. At this point, I don't really care... Because I'm done!

My main task now is to pack and do the various random chores associated with leaving. Nothing too major.

Tomorrow, I get up far too early, fly into St. Louis, do some shopping, and then go home to the fuzzy creatures, including the new puppy. It should be a good day.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Yesterday evening's focus was video games... I watched some people play Mario Kart in the Pit, then I played some Dead or Alive 2 with them, then I went over to Mertz and played Soul Calibur II with Rob and Kyle, then played some Smash Brothers with them and others (I really don't like that game -- it gives me a headache... Too much stuff on the screen...), then finished the night off with a little more SCII. All in all, a fun evening.

I also got 4 CDs from one of the rock directors to listen to and review over break... I've given them all a listen, and they're all pretty good.

I'm taking a short break from studying for religion... The studying is going okay, but definately not as fun as gaming. On that note, I'm not letting myself anywhere near a video game console today. Tomorrow, after my final, I will, but until then, no.

I'm going home on Saturday, going to Beaux Arts on Sunday, and then being lazy for a long time after that!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

And I'm done with my paper, with 25 minutes to go on the debate. Heck yeah.

I should now spend the rest of my day studying for religion. Anyone want to place any bets on me actually doing it? If so, please never go to a casino or the races. I'd hate to see you lose all your money.

I'm working on my revision of my theatre midterm paper right now... Such fun. It's not very hard, but it's also not all that interesting. And it's also annoying to be talking about the presidential debates after Bush's win, when Kerry dominated the debates. Bah.

The first debate is playing on mute (partly by default, my computer still does not make any noise) in the background so I can study their mannerisms and such. It would rock if I got the revision done before the debate was over. 1 hour, 30 minutes long debate, and I'm about 14 minutes into it. I should be able to do this.

Back to work I go, whee.
Today I reached new heights in laziness... I stayed in bed for a very, very long time, then wandered up to campus for dinner, and then went over to Mertz where I hung out with Rob and played Soul Calibur II for a very long time. Definately not a productive day, but a very nice one.

Despite not getting the library internship, I'm considering just staying here over the summer and working at the library. Rob will be here over the summer doing research, and it would be great to hang out with him all summer.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Finally heard back about the library internship... And I didn't get it. I'll probably try again next year.

Winter break will now be spent looking into summer abroad programs and other internships. Whee.

On a happier note, I just got up. Yay for uber-lazy days!

I wrote two papers today with minimum amounts of procrastination. I froze my butt off around midnight to look for the Geminids and was rewarded with the sight of one shooting star (it was pretty). All in all, a very productive day. I will make up for this by doing next to nothing tomorrow.

Time for sleep now, without setting my alarm clock. Oh, the luxury.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

So, almost 3 months later, another breakup. This one was handled much better, and it was basically a mutual decision. We're going to stay friends -- and this time, that's 100% true. So yeah... I'm doing surprisingly well, actually.

Time to go play some WEBoggle, my latest addiction. Word games = my weakness.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

I didn't get the rock director position, which really came as no surprise to me. It was also the nicest rejection letter I've ever recieved, so that's cool.

Now I can focus all my anxiety on finals and the library internship, which I STILL haven't heard back from. Arg.

I finally got to sleep around 5 am. Such fun.

I can't sleep at all. It's annoying... I'm tired, but not sleepy. My first real bout of insomnia, it seems. Something I really never have to deal with... I usually have trouble staying awake rather than getting to sleep. But I can't get comfortable, I can't relax... I just can't sleep. I want to watch TV until my mind glazes over and I zonk out on the couch, but amazingly enough, there are people awake and watching a movie at this hour. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Gah. This is very, very, frustrating.

In theory, I could start working on my papers for English and theatre... But I don't want to. I just want to sleep. Why won't my body cooperate?

Friday, December 10, 2004

I'm done with my CS final... Yay! I think it went okay. Now I just have 2 papers to write, a revision of a paper to write, and my religion final. It shouldn't be too bad.

Time to crash now.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Without classes, I am super lazy. Case in point: I set my alarm for 10:30 today. I woke up at 9:30, checked my email, then went back to bed, setting the alarm for 11. When it went off, I got up and read webcomics for a long time. It is now almost 1. I have done nothing productive at all. I'm going to change that by going for a run. Then maybe I'll actually do some studying.

Rock director interview on Saturday. I'm actually going against two people, but I'm only really concerned about the one I mentioned a few days ago. Anyway, there's always next semester if I don't get it this time.

Running time.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004 guaranteeing me more "Happy birthday"s than ever before.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Tonight was my last radio show of the semester. *tear* It went fairly well, despite some technical mishaps and numerous phone calls to be dealt with.


Red House Painters - Have You Forgotten
* TV on the Radio - Modern Romance
* Shark Quest - Katherine of Krakow
* Matt Pond PA - Lily Two
* Death from Above 1979 - Romantic Rights
Emiliana Torrini - Tuna Fish
Jimmy Eat World - Table for Glasses
? - You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
* A.C. Newman - Come Crash
* The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Tower Out)
* Friends Like These - What Emily Says
Wilco - Kamera
* Menomena - The Strongest Man in the World
* The Reputation - Bottle Rocket Battles
MC Honky - The Object
* The Washdown - Ladies and Gentlemen
Blur - Beetlebum
* Regina Spektor - Carbon Monoxide
Tori Amos - Precious Things
* Elliot Smith - King's Crossing
Guster - Two Points for Honesty
* The High Water Marks - Have Another Dream
* Moving Units - Between Us and Them
* Autolux - Turnstile Blues
* Interpol - Evil
Weezer - Only in Dreams

I found out who I'm competing against for the rock director position. I don't think I'm going to get it now -- he's done many more reviews than I have, seems to be more knowledgeable of the indie scene, and is also a year older. Though I'm not very upset about it -- I've read the reviews he's written, and he'd make a great rock director. Also, another spot will be opening up next year; I may try again then. We'll see what happens with the interview later this week.

Still no word on the library internship. Arg. I want to know!

Tomorrow is my 20th birthday. Eep. I feel oddly old and yet still very, very young.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

So we sang Beethoven's 9th Symphony last night. The orchestra did an amazing job, and the choir did pretty well too. It was fun.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The last bit of Beethoven's 9th is like a humming bird on speed. Good lord it's fast!

It is rainy and yucky outside. Blech.

A quiz, because I haven't posted one for awhile, and I came across this one:

The name of the rose
Umberto Eco: The Name of the Rose. You are a
mystery novel dealing with theology, especially
with catholic vs liberal issues. You search
wisdom and knowledge endlessly, feeling that
learning is essential in life.

Which literature classic are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I now feel I should read this book.

Time for yoga now.