Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What qualifies as an unacceptable side effect of medication? If I tough it out for a few more weeks, will my body adjust?

I recently had the dosage of my second medication upped a bit. On the smaller dose, I had some side effects, but nothing too major. Now my muscles are achy, I'm somewhat shaky, there's a bit of nausea, and worst of all, I've lost most interest in food. Decrease in appetite is one thing - I wouldn't complain if I ate a little less and lost a few pounds. But a lot of food has become flat out unappealing to me, which is weird. The past few days I've had to force myself to eat. I feel hungry, but I don't know what to eat. I've been doing okay as long as I stick to dairy products and fairly bland/mild foods (yogurt, cheese sandwiches, fruit cocktail, etc.), but yesterday I had some Thai fried rice for dinner. It was okay, but then I bit into a bit of onion and felt kind of nauseous. I'm hoping that this will go away after a few weeks, but I'm wondering if I can make it that long without going crazy.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

People frustrate me. On some level, I can understand littering. You're outside, you have something to throw away, there's no trash can in sight, you drop it. I understand it, but I don't condone it. What I don't understand is leaving your trash laying around inside when there is a trash can nearby.

People do this in the library all the time. They leave used scrap paper on desks, empty (or sometimes full) water bottles, empty coffee cups, soda cans, candy bar wrappers, and takeout containers. The scrap paper is annoying, but not that big of a deal. I find the water bottles extremely wasteful, but whatever. The real issue is the other trash. For one thing, you're not even supposed to have food in the library. There are numerous signs that proclaim this. (Not that people read signs. I could probably print up a sign that says "Die in a fire" and hang it by the circ desk. I bet only my boss would notice it.) Still, I'm willing to let coffee, soda, and some candy slide - just throw stuff away when you're done! The sugar and such attracts vermin. I know we have mice (I've seen more than one), and we probably have roaches too (though I've only seen one, and it was some time ago). When the critters get done with the trash, they move onto the books, which, needless to say, is bad.

What I really don't understand is the residue of full meals - sandwiches, salads, etc. It's rarer, but it still happens. There's a lounge on the floor above us. USE IT. The library is not a cafeteria. If you must study while eating, check the book out; just don't spill anything on it.

My biggest problem with the trash, however, is not the welfare of the books. That's important, but I know the average person doesn't care about it as much as I do. The real issue is that it's just plain rude. (I feel like a cranky old lady - "Kids today! No respect, no consideration for others! No one cleans up after themselves, they just expect it to be done for them! Lousy no-good punks!") It's not like it's inconvenient to throw the stuff away - there are trash cans everywhere in the library. If you're sitting at one of the desks, I guarantee that there's a trash can within nine feet of you. If that's too far to walk, wait until you leave. There's a trash can right by the main door. You'll pass it no matter what, so throw your shit away. Hmph.