Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Things I do not understand:

Why quieter noises tend to bug me/aggravate my headaches more than obnoxiously loud ones.
Related: Why I hate the sound of people whispering.

Seriously, I hate it. This is problematic, since I work in a library, but I would much rather have people talk in a normal, yet quiet, tone of voice than have to listen to the 'psss, psss, psss' of people whispering.

Ugh. I have such a nasty headache at the moment. I'm having trouble keeping my mind (and my eyes, for that matter) focused, and I really just want to curl up in a ball and sleep. Unfortunately, I've only been at work for 2 hours, so I've got another 6 before I can go home. Blerg.

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