So I gave blood today. It went better than I expected: the pin-prick to the finger to test my iron levels hurt more than I thought it would, the actual blood donation hurt less. I had to give from my right arm, though -- the veins in my left arm weren't big enough, and the ones in the right were just barely large enough. So now I have a bandage on the inside of my right elbow, the outside of my right elbow, and one on my right middle finger. Geez.
I'm feeling a bit out of it -- it's open to debate if this is from the blood loss or just me being tired as usual.
Speaking of debates: Kerry kicked Bush's butt in the first one, despite all the to-do about the "global test" (which is being taken out of context so badly). I think Edwards did a decent job against Cheney, but I feel that they tied, unfortunately. At least Edwards didn't look evil. Cheney could scare small children and animals, I think.
Time for a nap (a short one, this time!) and then some work.
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