Sunday, October 03, 2004

Yesterday: Went into Philly. Didn't go to the Something Corporate concert, but did go to the Franklin Institute and into the art museum briefly. Both were fun. Went to some market place to get food, and ended up wtih some excellent lasagna.

Last night: Poker with Uber and company. I lost all $5 I put in, but it was fun. We had a good turn out, and ended up breaking into 2 groups: 1 just Texas Hold 'Em, 1 fun, weird games like Black Maria. We also made and enjoyed daquaris.

Today: So far I have woken up, gotten brunch, and started my laundry. I am currently listening to some grunge and punk music and drinking coffee in attempts to fully wake myself up to write my religion paper. Whee.

Tomorrow: Another spec!

Wednesday: I donate blood for the first time ever. Eep.

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