My official schedule now:
9:30-10:20 am -- Fitness training
10:30-11:20 am -- Religion and Human Experience
1-4 pm -- Theatre and Perfromance
9:55-11:10 am -- Modern American Poetry
2:40-3:55 pm -- Computer Science 21
9:30-10:20 am -- Fitness training
10:30-11:20 am -- Religion and Human Experience
7-10 pm -- Chorus
Same as Tuesday
9:30-10:20 am -- Fitness training
10:30-11:20 am -- Religion and Human Experience
My computer was being screwed up, and thanks to ITS and the net registration, I couldn't get online. But both problems have been fixed now, hallelujah. And whatever you do, don't download Service Pack 2 for Windows XP. I'm pretty sure it's what made my computer freeze up so much yesterday. After I got rid of it last night, my computer was fine.
Other than that... Nothing. I have to go read for my religion class now.
Easy Peasy
53 minutes ago