Thursday, September 30, 2004

I am fairly confident that I just kicked my CS exam's ass. I feel like a coding master at the moment, but I'm sure that feeling will go away as soon as I tackle this week's homework.

Hosting a study break tonight: MST3k with milk and cookies. Awesomeness.

Cheese and crackers -- quite possibly one of the best snacks ever. Yum.

On a different note: I hate scansion. Blah.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

So I was planning on taking a short nap and then doing some work. The short nap ended up being rather long. Nice, but not conducive to work-doing. Bah.

Now I work.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

So very rainy outside. My backpack actually did get soaked through, despite the valiant efforts of my umbrella. So I have things strewn across my room, drying. I may break out the hair dryer for some stuff. Boo to you, rain.

Other than that, things are fine. Not enough sleep, too much work, but whatever. Such is life.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

No They Might Be Giants concert after all. I just remembered that I'm supposed to be hosting a study break that night, and while trying to see if I could reschedule that, I discovered just how much work I really need to be getting done in the next week and a half or so. Eep. So no concert for Jen - just a study break and then work, work, work.

Entertaining tidbit of the day: Go to Google. Go to Prefrences. Where it says Interface Language, go through the languages in the drop down menu and choose Hacker. Enjoy your new H4x3r-style Google. So fun.

Yesterday was really nice... Went out the dinner (Bertucci's has amazingly delicious pizza, yum), watched some MST3K, hung out. Today will be less nice, because it will consist mostly of work. Blah.

They Might Be Giants concert on Thursday, College Day in Philly on Saturday -- free museums and Something Corporate concert. Whee!

Saturday, September 25, 2004

So the Kill Hannah concert rocked. The Trocadero has two sections, apparently... A larger room and a smaller one. We were in the smaller upstairs one, so we were like thisclose to the band. It was cool. There was a not so great opening act, but Kill Hannah themselves were great. Highlights of the evening: the marriage proposal from one fan to another and buying my t-shirt from the bassist himself. All in all, a great evening.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Better now, for the most part. Went for a run, which was nice. Then got cheered up and was assured that I should not take the rejection personally, etc. So yeah, that helped. Still disappointed, but life goes on.

My religion paper (read: outline) is pretty crappy. I included an apology to the WA (Writing Associate, to all you non-Swatties) and feel bad. But I need sleep, and there is no way that I could redeem it in time anyway. Thank goodness it's "just a WA copy"... I will thoroughly attack it (and my CS reading and multiple other things) this weekend and make it work.

Maybe this will teach me to a) not procrastinate as much and b) not over extend myself. Then again, maybe not.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Rar. Got rejected by the lit mag again. Yay for not being able to become an editor, even though that's one of my main career possibilities. I feel so damn cool.

I will be going to Career Services tomorrow afternoon to look into externships for winter break. Hopefully that will go better. My current pessimistic attitude is not so sure.

Damn it, I was so happy this afternoon, too. Rar again. And rar to my religion paper as well, which I don't want to write at all. Rar, rar, rar.


I'm going to go into Philly tomorrow and see a concert with Finlay. We're going to go see Kill Hannah... It should be pretty good.

Religion paper must get written now. Eep. I may have to resort to coffee at some point. But at least tomorrow is Friday. Yay weekend!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Way to go administration. Someone just now figured out that the Neil Gaiman reading is scheduled during October break. They have now decided to reschedule it. This makes sense, but it is also annoying since I already got my ticket home. So now I can either a) sit around Swat until Monday doing nothing b) change my ticket or c) figure out something else to do that Friday afternoon - Sunday. Bah.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

So when you empty the spam folder of Gmail, it says "Hooray, no spam here!" I find that amusing.

I got my CS stuff done (output not quite as pretty as it should be, but at least correct) and read my English. Things left to do: read for relgion, write religion paper, write English journal entry, catch up on CS reading, etc.

But now I nap. Because I really, really need it.

Monday, September 20, 2004

This is partially for the sake of my mom, and also because it's true - I'm actually doing quite well.

Yes, this current CS assignment has been more time consuming than I expected, yes I have a paper due in Religion on Friday that I haven't even thought about, plus other work. I also think I'm learning the meaning of over-extended first-hand this semester. Work, hanging out with people, Daily Gazette, choir, practicing for that skit last week... And now add on me applying to be on Small Craft Warnings' staff as well as DJing for WSRN and hopefully writing some reviews for the playlist... It's getting pretty busy.

At the same time, despite all the craziness, I'm really quite content. I've been spending a lot of time with a person I really like, I'm enjoying most of my classes, I'm getting to know Lauren a lot better as well as meeting some new people...

All in all, I'm having a good time. Busy, but nice.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

I was supposed to go to my very first frat party last night. It ended up not happening for various reasons, most important being that the friend I was supposed to go with decided to watch anime with a *ahem* friend instead. So I played Wink instead, which was fun and, of course, violent. Surprisingly, no major rugburn this time (I think the socks helped), though I do have a lovely bruise on my hip, a tender elbow that was landed on, and perhaps a bit of a bruised sternum as well. Nevertheless, good fun.

Today's plan: read stuff for theatre, probably read stuff for religion, try to come up with a paper topic for religion, maybe read for CS, postpone having my ass kicked again by CS until tomorrow afternoon. Tonight: WSRN meeting, which means that hopefully I will soon get a radio show again. Not sure when broadcasting starts, but I'm eagerly awaiting it.

I also just signed up to give blood. I can't say I'm afraid of needles after getting a tattoo, and it's been a year since I got the tattoo, so I'm allowed to give now. I'm a bit nervous, but that's better than feeling guilty if I don't do it.

Time to do work now, whee.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

CS is currently kicking my ass. Rar. I just want this program to work, dammit. Then I can move onto the next one and proceed to get my ass kicked by that. Wasn't this supposed to be easy? Apparently not as easy as I thought.

Rar again.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I don't learn, it seems. No matter how vauge something may seem to me, someone figures it out. Generally the person(s) I would rather not have the information. So yeah, blogging can come back to haunt you. That's another piece of good advice my mom gave me that I have evidently not followed. I need to work on that.

Some loafing about for the next 30 minutes, and then back to campus for a rehearsal... I'm in a skit for Directing I. Whee. I get to be dead for at least part of it, which will be kind of nice, actually. I feel a bit dead now, so I might as well get to act like it.

How is it that something that made/makes me so happy can also screw up so many other things and make me feel like hell?

Maybe the next time I get good advice I'll actually listen to it.

I feel really crappy at the moment. I will use one of my three absences from gym and not go. It sucks that today is such a busy day -- even without gym, I have religion class, a DG article to write, a spec to contact, reading to do, chorus, and a rehearsal for a Directing I skit that I'm acting in. That takes me up to 1 am... Bleh.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Copyright 2002 Anne Taintor. Please don't sue, etc.

So this sort of sums it up in a vauge way. Sorry Mom.
Last night was a bit weird. Very awkward, but eventually nice. Today, I think, will continue to be more of the same. I should know better, but I'm really happy anyway.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Lauren was cool enough to help me with my hair, so it's on it's way to being mahogany red brown. I just have to sit here for about 20 more minutes. Such fun. And then I will rinse out the color, apply the conditioner, and hopefully have pretty hair.

After that comes work. I need to read a play, write a paper, read some poems, and read for religion. It will be a fun filled afternoon, I am sure.

I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind tonight. It was really good, though a bit weird, especially right after a break up, since that plays a big part in the movie.

I have hair dye sitting on my shelf, just waiting to be used. I need to find someone to help me do it -- I'm afraid that if I do it myself I'll miss a huge spot. And that would be very bad. So hopefully I'll be able to enlist someone, since I promised myself that I would dye it by Monday.

Life is weird and complicated, which can sometimes be nice, but right now it's really not. Bah.

Friday, September 10, 2004

So I was wondering if I could make a decent Goth. I have no real intention of become one, partially because I don't have a super-strong desire to align myself with a specific scene, but there are certain things that appeal to me. I've been listening to some really good, at least sort-of-goth music (yay for Finlay's iTunes for that one) and have been enjoying it a lot. A great deal of my wardrobe is already black. I treasure my steel-toed Docs and like black eyeliner. And I love corsets and some other goth clothes. I lust after just about everything I've seen at Heavy Red, and really wish I could have it. Just try and tell me that the Transylvanian concubine corset isn't beautiful, or that the Gothic couture garter dress and the empire waist pinstripe skirt with corset back aren't insanely cool looking. I will not listen, because I find them so pretty, and wish I had a reason to own them and a place to wear them.

And yes, I know that all of the above is pretty generalized and stereotypical. Sorry. But damn those clothes are pretty.

I'm hosting a spec (prospective student, for those who don't know) on Thursday. Niftiness.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

I'm mostly better. I just had a bit of a moment when I saw a picture of us, but I'm okay. I'm going to be fine.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I'm really not sure how today could be any worse. I mean, I'm sure it's possible, but really, I don't even want to contemplate it.

So I tried posting three times last night, and each time it didn't want to post. And now today all three showed up. But I deleted two of the three, because otherwise it would be really redundant.

I really, really want to sleep. But I need to get some work done before I can do that without feeling too guilty. Blah. English definately needs to be done, since that's due tomorrow. But I should do some religion as well, because I'm going into Philly tomorrow with my theatre class and will therefore have less time to deal with it tomorrow evening. Or maybe I'll just stay up late tomorrow night. There's always a good chance of that.

Tonight (yesterday, actually) has been interesting. And immensely draining. And I can't even do my Gazette compiling duties fully because Eudora is being weird. Rar. I just want to sleep for a day or two. Maybe three.

Turns out the girl next door will not be moving after all. The room she was going to move into has become unavailable, since its current resident decided to stay. So she's stuck here.

Sleep soon, then hopefully a good interesting day tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I just went for a run. An actual run, not a half jog, mostly walk thing. I did walk some, but it was inbetween periods of serious, hard running and only when I felt that I might not live if I didn't stop to breathe. I need to work on my endurance. I think instead of going to the gym to do cardio on Tuesdays and Thursdays I'll run instead... Hopefully my shins will be able to deal with it. Running is nice... My mind goes blank for the most part, just focusing on the movement and the breathing... I don't have to think about anything until I stop. Then of course, it all comes flooding back. But it's a nice escape for a bit.

I'm disgusting right now, so I really need to shower. I didn't know it was possible to get this sweaty in this short of a time period. Ew.

The girl who lives next door is moving out, switching to a dorm on campus. It kind of sucks, because she's cool, but she's promised to visit a lot. She just wants a place where she can go during the day instead of lugging all her stuff around and having to make the trek back here... Which is very understandable.

Monday, September 06, 2004

So much drama lately. It sucks.

I need sleep, but I don't want to actually go to sleep. Blah. But I have to work out tomorrow morning, which will be easier if I'm a bit awake. Plus I have theatre tomorrow afternoon, and I really need to be awake for that.

ML basement, not know for its hall life, is actually thriving. At least in my little corner of the hall, since I've gotten to know the guy across the hall and the girl next door. They're both pretty cool, as is my RA and some other people on the hall. So yay.

Sleep now.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Death Cab for Cutie and Pretty Girls Make Graves are playing in Philly on October 20th. I am going to do my very, very best to make sure I'm at that concert. Can you imagine how great of a show that will be? I don't even care that it's a Wednesday and I have choir. I'll use my one free absence just so I can go.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

I had my first meeting for the Daily Gazette today, and it seemed pretty cool. I already know some people involved, so that's nice. I've agreed to write on article and do the compiling (putting the issue together) on Tuesdays. Whee. We'll see how it goes.

Tomorrow is my last day of non-gym gym class. Next week I actually have to start working out. Blah. I also have religion (which I need to finish the reading for, such fun), but that's about it. I'll work on my CS homework, and then Lauren and I are going to go swimming, which should be cool. There's also some magician coming to campus, which I will go and see because it may be interesting and also because the article I agreed to write is a summary about it. So tomorrow should be good. And then it's officially the weekend, yay!

The good thing about having all the readings for my theatre class on Blackboard as opposed to in books: I don't have to buy books. The downside: I have to print them off, and right now that's taking a long time. Rar.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Please excuse me as I have a fan-girl moment. Neil Gaiman is coming to Swat. YAY! I'm thrilled. The timing isn't great -- it's actually during October break -- but my plans weren't set in stone, so therefore they shall change so that I can go to the reading. Because there is no way that I am missing this.

*dances happily*

Time for choir.

I just realized that the Blogger NavBar was cutting off the top of my page and thus hiding the title. But that's been fixed now. Woot.

Did most of my CS homework today (all but the reading)... The tutorial for Emacs, the editor we'll be using was ungodly long, but that may be a result of me taking notes. I need to know the commands, and I knew if I didn't write them down I'd forget and have to go through the tutorial again, which I was not about to do.

Read for English class. We're starting off with Walt Whitman, which is okay. Then we're doing some Dickinson. The class goes into more contemporary stuff than I expected. Yes, it's called MODERN American Poetry, but based on some of the names they listed in the course guide, I wasn't sure what exactly to make of that. Or maybe my mind has just been screwed up with terms like modern, post-modern, and contemporary, and now I can't keep anything straight. Anyway, we start with Whitman and Dickinson, since they've been very influential, but then we also do some Gertrude Stein, T.S. Eliot, Frost, Ginsberg, Plath, and many others. Coolness.

Time for dinner, then choir. Choir should rock this year: Beethoven's 9th and Mozart's Requiem. Yay!