I've been really stressed this week for some reason... Lots of headaches, whee, no fun at all. It was nice to see Saka on Wednesday, but other than that the week was less than great. Yay for it being the weekend.
I didn't get into the poetry workshop for next semester... That upset me... But I'm okay with it now, thanks to the power of distraction (yay SSx Tricky on an 8 foot screen!). I've also found another class to take instead: Classical Mythology. So that should be interesting, I think.
The tentative schedule for next semester:
9:30-10:20 Modern British Poetry
11:30-12:20 Classical Mythology
1-4 Acting I
9-10:20 Yoga (for the 1st half of the semester)
1:15-2:30 Existentialism
9:30-10:20 Modern British Poetry
11:30-12:20 Classical Mythology
4:10-6:40 Acting I
7:15-9:45 Chorus
Same as Tuesday
9:30-10:20 Modern British Poetry
11:30-12:20 Classical Mythology
I may not take yoga for gym credit... I should be done with gym after this semester, so I may just show up when I feel like it. We'll see. And Acting I is C/NC (credit/no credit, i.e. pass/fail), so that's nice... And I may take Mythology C/NC as well, but I'll decide during the first week of class, after I see the syllabus. I have all four of my C/NC options left, though... And I should use them. I should have used one for either religion or CS this semester (probably CS)... I've definately been more stressed than I would like.
Time for brunch now.
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