So I'm not doing so hot with the staying motivated/being productive thing. Thursday evening I basically just slacked off, except for the root beer float study break. Yesterday I reveled in a Friday without classes, and I did do some work - met with my philosophy of religion professor, figured out the direction to take my 1 page paper for English, and then met with my partner and rewrote about half the lyrics to The Dresden Dolls "Girl Anachronism." That last bit was tough and time-consuming, and it continued into dinner. When I came back to ML after dinner, I was ordered to take a nap by my RA, Jawaad, who is at Swat for the weekend.
So I napped. I had planned on going to see the comedian on campus, and even woke up in time, but then didn't go. I instead watched the old version of Lolita (and now I will have to watch the new version). I haven't read the book, so I didn't know the details of the story... The moving was interesting, but Lolita was such a brat. Sure, she was pretty, but so damn annoying - the attraction made very little sense.
And today I slept in and have therefore wasted much of the day, at least in regards to work. I will have a great time tonight, however, as I'm going to be hanging out with my friends. I'll just have to get up at a reasonable time tomorrow and work, work, work - just like every Sunday at Swat.
Oh - the meeting with my prof went really well. I explained my concerns, he asked what else I was doing, I told him, he said that was quite a lot. He emphasized that the time spent didn't matter as much as just doing something, and that I should find something that works in my schedule, not make my schedule work to fit the service stuff. So I may look into the Humane Society, but I'm probably going to work on making sandwiches for SHIP (Serving Homeless in Philly) on Friday after lunch.
Stories about New Orleans and the other areas hit by the hurricane keep getting my attention - usually in the form of LJ posts, sometimes news headlines. I haven't been reading the New York Times lately, which I usually at least skim the headlines of. It's gotten way too depressing. The lack of timely, effective response by the government is frustrating, but what's even worse is the lack of better precautionary actions. It didn't have to happen like this.
Pissing me off are the people who are saying those still stuck in the city stayed by choice - when really they had no place to go, no money/resources to use to leave, no real choice. Really, really pissing me off is the group of religious zealots, Repent America, who are claiming that the city's sin brought about the destruction. Namely, the "Souther Decadence" gay-pride festival that was scheduled for this weekend. Read this article for more on that, if you don't mind spending the next few hours utterly enraged.
Stupid people casting judgement when they should be showing caring, compassion, and mercy. They're damning people to hell and smirking with vindication when they should be forgiving sins and aiding those in need. These bastards are the supposed models of morality while a guy who saved 100 people by loading them up on an abandoned bus and driving them out of the city may get arrested for stealing the bus. I'm serious. This 18-year-old guy saved about 100 strangers, and he may get punished for it. Read it here.
I could scream.
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