So much frustration with the theatre department right now! Seriously, the requirements and figuring out how to meet them? Not always an easy task, especially when you choose the lessthan clear cut focus of play-writing/dramaturgy.
What's dramaturgy, you ask? Why, there's a lovely bit of information on that right here! At the very least, read the bit about being a literary manager. That's the job I read a description for, in internship form, that made me go "I must get a minor in theatre so I can get a job like this." Kind of a bit like dealing with a glorified slush pile (which, honestly, is another job that sounds oddly appealing to me), but with plays. Nifty.
Anyway, back to grumpiness with the theatre department. So, in many ways, linking play-writing and dramaturgy together makes a great deal of sense. But it makes dealing with the requirements funny. One of the requirements is either play-writing workshop, production dramaturgy, or directing I. Okay, fine. But later on, there's a requirement for a focus in dramaturgy that requires the production dramaturgy class -- which I haven't taken because I took play-writing instead. So, now comes the issue of how to achieve a concentration in play-writing/dramaturgy that does not ignore the play-writing (by not taking the workshop) while still getting the requirements filled without too much excess. Because I am planning on taking the dramaturgy course anyway, but having it basically thrust upon me is frustrating, as it makes it another credit tacked onto what is already a 7 credit minor. I have 4 credits right now, 3 semesters in which to get the others. Doable, but frustrating with possible scheduling conflicts and the need to make sure I get all the credits for my major.
Also, the idea of a focus on play-writing/dramaturgy implies, to me, the option of doing more with the play-writing stuff. But you need 3 classes, it seems, in your specialization, but there are only 2 play-writing courses - the workshop and the special project. So that means you have to take at least some dramaturgy, but that leads back to needed to take a course in the requirement bracket that was already dealt with. Unless there's some sort of loophole where for the more play-writing focused bit you can count that dramaturgy class as your 3rd course in place of Production Ensemble I (the course that is needed for dramaturgy concentration -- and therefore, it would seem, the play-writing/dramaturgy specialization -- and requires the dramaturgy class to get in).
Anyway, I'm frustrated. But I'm meeting with the head of the department tomorrow, so hopefully things will become more clear then. At the very least, he should be able to tell me when Performance Theory and Practice is next offered -- another class I need.
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