Curses! Thwarted again! Turns out that you can only take one creative writing workshop at a time... So I will have to chose between Grendel's Workshop and Lyric Encounters. I think I may sign up for both and see what happens with lotteries. The unfortunate thing is that whichever one I chose will be the only one I get to take -- they won't be offered again in my time here. So the question is: which do I want to take more?
If I take Lyric Encounters, I can take the Playwriting Workshop as well (I don't think it's counted in the workshop limit, as it is not an English course). However, playwriting will probably be offered again the next semester, I think, so that's not really a deciding factor.
Lyric Encounters is, in theory, similar to the Poetry Workshop... But to get into that, you need to submit a portfolio -- I tried that once already and was turned down.
I've taken a lot of poetry classes here, so doing something very different (i.e. Grendel's Workshop) could be very cool. However, the reason I've taken a lot of poetry classes is because I really like them.
The prof for Lyric Encounters is Nat, who is perhaps one of my favorite profs ever. I don't really know the other one, Williamson, though I do know that he teaches various pre-1830s classes.
If I do Grendel's Workshop, then I'll most likely end up taking Costume Design. If I do Lyric Encounters, I'll probably take playwriting. Until I learn about the sewing requirements of Costume Design, I can't really commit myself to it.
The chance to write poetry and get better at it is very tempting. The chance to write prose and force myself to expand in that direction is also tempting. Same goes for playwriting.
I have a feeling this will be decided by the sewing involved in the costume design class and/or the outcome of lotteries. Hopefully I'll end up with one, at least. Getting lotteried out of both would suck...
It would also mess up with a newly-hatched scheme: the possibility of having a Creative Writing Emphasis. It's only 3 credits, generally 2 workshops and a directed creative writing project. If I do Lyric and Playwriting, I have the 2 workshops and would try to do the project during senior fall, I think. If I do Grendel, I'd hopefully take Playwriting the next semester and still try to do the project senior fall. However... "Admission into the program will depend on the quality of the student's written work and the availability of faculty to supervise the work." So... I don't know. But taking creative writing classes will be cool, even if I don't end up with an emphasis.
Time to fetch laundry.
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