So I just got back the photos from the disposable camera that I've had since January and my externship. However, it seems many of them just aren't there, including all of the ones I took at Alex's birthday party, as well as all of the ones I took of the furry creatures at my host's house. Not sure what's up with that... Maybe they were poorly lit and therefore not developed? I'm not sure, but I'm kind of grumpy about it... Because trust me, I took way more than 11 pictures on that camera. Arg. However, I know I'm too lazy to do anything about it, so this will be a one-time complaint, and then I will forget about it.
I drifted in and out of philosophy class today. Not sure why I'm so tired -- I got a decent amount of sleep. But I can't seem to stay fully awake at all. It's most unfortunate.
Time to do as much work as I can before I have to go rehearse for acting... We present our scene tomorrow -- hopefully it will go well. We'll see.
Cats and Water
11 hours ago
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