Well, I got a prompt reply from the theatre. Granted, it was a no (I don't have the sorts of tech skills they're looking for), but... Onto the next ones, which are in Philly.
Playlist for tonight's show:
* Metric - Monster Hospital
Steve Burns - Mighty Little Man
* The Mountain Goats - Lion’s Teeth
* Arctic Monkeys - Fake Tales of San Francisco
* Of Montreal - Disconnect the Dots
The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
Quasi - The Sword of God
* Stars - Calender Girl
Matt Sweeney and Bonnie “Prince” Billy - Lift Us Up
Iron and Wine - My Lady’s House
The Decemberists - Here I Dreamt I Was an Archite
* P:ano - Animal Friends
Sufjan Stevens - All Good Naysayers, Speak Up! Or Forever Hold Your Peace!
Cat Power- Nude as the News
* The Elected - Would You Come With Me
*# Scout Niblett - Good to Me
* Jana Hunter - Restless
* 31Knots - Busy is Bold
Radiohead - Inside My Head
*Arab Strap- Dream Sequence
Luna - Dizzy
Snow Patrol - Wow
The Get Up Kids - 10 Minutes
* Some By Sea - Look What I Made Without Your Heart Getting in the Way
Bright Eyes and Neva Dinova - I’ll Be Your Friend
Wilco - How to Fight Loneliness
* Destroyer - Painter in Your Pocket
Someone actually called and wanted to know the name of the Steve Burns song. I felt special.
Off to read for playwriting.
Easy Peasy
52 minutes ago