Sunday, December 04, 2005

Despite getting 9+ hours of sleep, I am still tired.

The choir thing did not happen after all, because I can't sing. My regular range notes come out kind of squeaky, and my higher notes, well, they don't really want to come out at all. One cannot sing Messiah as a soprano without high notes. It just doesn't work.

So instead, I have been working on laundry today, will go to CVS pretty soon, and will get to go to Night of Scenes tonight. Whee. After that, I may try to do some work on my English paper, because really, that needs to get done.

Coming up this week: my play! Tuesday at 9 pm, Wednesday at 7 pm. Both times in the Kitao Gallery, between the frats and Olde Club. It'll only take about 30 minutes of your time, so please come!

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