Friday, December 02, 2005

Last night I went from being upset to extremely silly. Ah, friends plus sleep deprivation. I was finally forced to go to bed, which was for the best. I have now doubled the amount of sleep I've gotten in the past few days, bringing me up to a whopping 14 hours since Tuesday.

Busy day today... Choir concert tonight at 8 pm. Please come! We're singing Handel's Messiah, and it shall be very pretty! Come a bit early to get decent seats.

Then, Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 pm - I make my Swarthmore stage debut in a student play. It's in the Kitao Gallery (between Olde Club and the frats).... Again, please come!

It's December, which is weird to me. It's finally starting to feel like it, what with the cold and chance of snow this weekend.

I turn 21 in 5 days. Very weird.

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