Going into Philadelphia later today... Going to go see Guster in concert, yay! Chase and I are going...
Which reminds me... Chase officially has the time slot after me on WSRN. I will be on from 2 to 3 am, and then Chase will rule the airwaves from 3 to 4 am. This is cool, because it means Chase will hang out with me during my show (and laugh when I sing at the top of my lungs, and call me an "emo girl" for my choices in music), and it also means that I don't have to fetch the key before going up to Parrish, nor do I have to lock up... This saves me time, which means I may get a little more sleep than I would otherwise. La!
I watched the BBC miniseries of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere last night... The series actually came before the book. The plot is exactly the same, but the book is much better... The book feels a bit darker, and Gaiman's descriptions outdo anything that BBC could ever hope to create in the real world. Still, it was a fun 3 hours.
It's an odd, and somewhat bad, feeling when you begin to think that something someone said -- something you disagreed with, something you shook your head at and denied as you claimed your feelings were truer than that -- may actually be true. It's a shock to your system... Like fighting a disease that you know is probably stronger than you, but not wanting to just give up and admit defeat. *sigh*
It's almost noon now... I must go and be productive.
Easy Peasy
52 minutes ago
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