Saturday, April 15, 2006

Remind me never to do a show with blood ever again. It's just annoying to deal with. On a very related note, I need to procure a catheter bag and an IV tube ASAP. Blarg.

Most of today was pretty good, other than play stuff. I hung out with some people outside Sharples, and ended up pestering Saka. That was a good plan, since it resulted in us spending time talking together and watching the first disc of Firefly. Yay for quality bonding.

Now, though, I should really get some work done. Most of today was eaten up by costuming stuff, and I really need to get a lot done. Especially because, in theory, I should head over to the mall tomorrow. Because the coat we have does not, in fact, please the director. So I need to find another one. And that trip will also eat up a large chunk of time. Grrowl.

In other news - I'm pondering, as I often do when my hair is making me grumpy, getting a radical haircut. Summer is coming up, perhaps I should actually try short hair for once. However, the likelihood of this actually happening is slim... I don't really know what I want, and there's no sort of place that I can go to and just let them do what they want. Also, I really don't know if I'd deal well with short short hair - I'm so used to being able to pull it back when I don't want to mess with it. But still. I always get tempted.

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