Today has been rather odd.
First of all, I managed to make it to school on time - early, even. This hasn't happened for about a month. And I even woke up late today. So that was odd occurrance #1.
Most of the school day was normal... I went to class, did work while zoning out (apparently getting extra sleep this weekend has done nothing to help my overall sleep deprivation), and somehow managed not to fall asleep. Until 6th hour, anyways. But that's study hall, so it really doesn't count. The only thing I'm worried about is sleeping through the bell someday and missing 7th hour. So if your in my Lit class and know I'm at school but am suspiciously absent from 7th hour, please go to the library and check the quiz bowl corner. I'll probably be passed out in the comfy chair, twitching and muttering in my sleep. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Track was okay; I managed to do 4 of the 6 200m runs we were supposed to do... By the end of the 4th, I was in so much pain that I felt like crying. My knees are evil... Even trying to do a cool-down jog was torture. The only thing that doesn't make me wince in pain is walking, but even that can make me ache, especially if I'm going up stairs. Gah. This annoys me. I feel weak -- everyone else was running through their pain (and I know they were in pain) and I just stumbled off to moan in my misery. Why can't I just suck it up and go on? Grrr.
Odd event #2: Driving home from track, trying to decide if I wanted to go to the car wash or not (My car is really dirty; I should wash it. It might rain tomorrow and the washing would be in vain; I should wait). Anyways, I was weighing the pros and cons of the issue, and all of the sudden, my nose began to bleed. Now, nosebleeds are not overly rare for me. If I'm especially stressed (which I think I am, somewhat, now) or if I've been blowing my nose a lot (which I actually haven't, lately) they are more likely. But usually I can tell when it's coming. A sort of 6th sense (HaHA! You can keep your ESP and visions of dead people, I have a tingly sensation in my nose that warns me that blood is about to flow!)... But this time, nothing. Just a sudden gush of blood... while I'm driving... Driving on what is probably the busiest street in this entire town, no less (not that that means a whole lot, but oh well). So I'm continuing to drive with one hand, since I'm in the middle lane and there's no way that I can get off the road or pull over or anything. My eyes are on the road, blood is running down my face and I'm forced to wipe it away with my hand until I can the random napkins that are stored in the pocket of the door. I finally get ahold of a napkin, and yes, I'm continuing to drive with a napkin clutched to my face as I attempt to stop the blood. I go through many napkins before I pull into my driveway and the blood finally eases up.
So the nosebleed was weird. Now for odd event #3 (and I promise it's not gross like the last one)...
I get home, grab a snack, and begin to skim the newspaper. The phone rings. I'm home alone, so I'm forced to answer it. It's for me. It's a person I haven't talked in what seems like ages. A ghost from the past, if you will. (Do you like how I delibrately avoid using actually names? It's rather enjoyable for me; I can never get accused of saying anything bad about someone, since I rarely refer to anyone directly... And I suppose I like being cryptic at times... But this time I'll be nice...) It's my ex-boyfriend, who moved away due to complex circumstances during the beginning of our relationship. We tried the long distance thing for awhile, but we eventually ended it. We haven't really kept in touch since then... So getting a call from him made me do a mental double-take. Anyways, we chatted for awhile, sort of skirting direct discussion of some of the decisions he's made in the past few months (Woohoo for sort of awkward converstions! They're great fun!)... It was nice to talk to him, though. I hope we actually manage to stay in touch this time.
I'm hoping that the oddness of the day is done. I have to go battle a mound of homework now, and I really don't want to have to cope with random weirdness at the moment. I think I've had enough for the day.
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