The weather sucks. It's grey and rainy... It was hailing earlier, then it was sleeting, now I don't know what's going on. But it's gloomy, whatever it is.
I'm pretending to work on my essay on patriotism for the Exchange Club Student of the Year award/scholarship. Well, I suppose I actually am working on it. If having the document open and minimized counts as working. Hmm. I need to have it done tomorrow, or Tuesday at the absolute latest. Gah. Stupid topic, annoying length requirement, infurirating application... Darn you all.
I was looking through a college guidebook today, reading a bit about some of the schools my friends may be going to, in an attempt to make my procrastination look productive. Anyways, since I had the book out, I read Swarthmore's thing. The whole book is based on student surveys, so there are quotes scattered throughout, including the ever-so-delightful "Everyone here is more or less an opinionated weirdo. It's rather comforting." *grins gleefully* Is it any wonder I'm so happy to be going to this school? And it's becoming more real to me every day. Only a quarter of high school left, then this summer... Then off I go. I'm thrilled, even though I know that it will be a lot of work. I think part of the reason I'm so excited is that my brother was home for a few days over his spring break. He and a few of his friends were doing a road trip, and they crashed here for a bit. Talking to them was fun; the conversations were interesting and intelligent. It's people like that and the girls I met at WFC that make me eager to go to college, far away from most of my airhead high school peers. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.
Oh, random note. I am the proud almost-owner of a PDA. Woohoo! Yay for electronic organizing devices... Just what I need to fuel my already anal-retentive nature. Seriously, I think it will be useful. I'm constantly writing various notes down: things to do, movies to rent, books to read, reminders about random stuff... It'll be nice to have them all in a central location, as opposed to on bits of paper scattered all over the place. Plus it has Solitaire on it.
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