I'm feeling rather lazy and really have no desire to read my psychology (though I know I should) or prep for my history final (though I need to). Bleh. I'm looking forward to going home and being lazy... I plan to sleep a lot and play many hours of video games. Whee!
I'll also be revamping my old website. I downloaded a new HTML editor onto my laptop, and I have some space to host the site on through school (no more ads, to the best of my knowledge... Woohoo!). So over break I'll do the coding and everything, figure out how I want stuff laid out, figure out what I want to keep, what I want to get rid of, etc... And then when I get back to school, hopefully I'll be able to upload it onto the actual site. This is the plan. But I've been planning on redoing my site for awhile, so we'll see if it actually happens.
Other than that... Not much going on. I went to a party for a bit last night, which was pretty fun, and then came back to ML and ended up talking to people until about 2 am. All in all, a pretty good night.
Around 10 am, my roommate's boyfriend came to see if she was awake yet (which was a bit of an ordeal, seeing as he's currently on crutches, the poor guy)... Which she kind of was, so he came in and told us the news about Saddam being captured. We talked about that for a bit and then talked about some other political stuff in general.
And since then I've gone to brunch, done my laundry, and read some psych. I have to read about 2 chapters a day to get done before my final. And this, my friends, is why you do not leave the reading until the last minute. I'm seriously thinking about just reading the chapter summaries, since most of this stuff is just a repeat of what I learned last year in AP... And I learned that information rather well (thank you Mrs. Soebbing), so it's more of a matter of just refreshing my memory (and allowing the information to be recalled more easily) than actually learning it. Plus, the book is only so-so in terms of writing and organization of info, so it's not a quick easy read... Not very condusive to skimming.
And that's it for now...
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