Friday, January 30, 2004

I made the mistake of reading the requirements for an Honors English Literature major. It was rather scary. I feel like I will never be capable of such things. Massive papers, getting tested over the material by outside examiners... Eek.

Luckily, I don't have to worry about it quite yet. While looking through the large book of info (meant for sophmores deciding their major), I noticed that at least a couple of the classes I really want to take will be offered in the next year or so. Whee!

The Damien Rice concert is no longer an option -- one, it's a Thursday, two, it's the Thursday before Family Weekend and my mom's birthday. So that leaves PGMG or Saves the Day.

I noticed someone put up a sign asking if there was anyone interesting in going to see Pennywise or the Dropkick Murphys. I feel that I may make use of this idea and put up my own sign.

Tomorrow (wait, today) is Friday. Two classes (granted, one is 3 hours long), and then the weekend stretches out before me. And I should find out if I got a DJ position. *crosses fingers for good time slot*

And now, sleep.

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