*bangs head against desk repeatedly*
Okay, so earlier today I discovered that Performance Theory and Practice is 6 hours a week. I'll be taking this course next semester. I have to take this course to be a theater minor. Most courses are about 3 hours a week. So... 6. 6 hours, 1 credit. 6 hours with a man that really likes to talk. And I have no choice. Damn it. I was already thinking of not doing choir next semester, but this secures it.
Also- My grand scheme was to take Shakespeare and Survey I: Beowulf to Milton and finish out my pre-1830 credits. No. Survey I isn't being offered. So I need something else to take. My choices that fit into my schedule and fill the pre-1830 requirement: Food and Literature with Campos or The Lyric Poem in English with Schmidt. The course description for the class with Schmidt doesn't sound appealing to me - while it's not Modern American (or British) Poetry all over again, there is probably enough overlap to make me not want to deal with it. I'm kind of poetry-ed out at this point. But Food and Literature... Well, there's no course description to be found anywhere. So yeah, that's not good. But I hesitate to push off filling this requirement until Spring 2007 (when I could take English Drama before 1642, which is also not overly exciting, but...). The idea of an unfilled req (besides my culminating essay) during senior spring is nasty. I also want to try to finish out my creative writing emphasis, and there are more options open to me in the spring - Fiction Workshop, Poetry Workshop, some classes at Bryn Mawr (Screenwriting and Creative Nonfiction). But Food and Literature? What IS it, even?
This is, of course, what I'm supposed to use the shopping period for. But... I would just like to have things settled. Grr.
I need to figure out some other stuff (i.e. Do I have to take any more theater after Performance Theory and Practice? Is there any chance Lyric Encounters can be used as a pre-1830 class and make my life easier? What other requirements need to be filled? Is it too late to find a mad scientist and offer myself up as a test subject for his radical new human-to-cat transformation? Should I just hide out in the Crum Woods and become a hermit?)
And oh, I should figure out what I want to do with my future - which involves researching grad schools for library science and theater stuff, figuring out if I need to take the GRE, and all that fun stuff. *whimper* While that can be put off until this summer, it's still sort of looming over me. Bah!
Also, random note: why the hell didn't I use my Pass/Fail options?! I don't think I will get a chance to use them, since I can't do it for anything in my major or minor. I should have used one for CS, and then another for Philosophy of Religion or something. Yay hindsight. Boo average grades.
Okay. Time to read some Orlando and then have dinner with the ML RAs. Whee...
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