Yay for the English Department. I was sad when I discovered I wouldn't be able to go to Jonathan Franzen's talk tonight (due to a conflict with chorus as well as the tickets for the talk being sold out), but this afternoon there was an event hosted by the English Department where he came and talked and answered questions and such. So that was cool... He was interesting to listen to, pretty funny, and nice. And I got to have one of those awkward fan experiences where you cautiously approach the person, book in hand, and try to not sound stupid while making conversation as you get your book signed. I did get the book signed; I'm not sure if I managed to not sound stupid or not.
In other news... The schedule of courses for next semester is up. I think I've got everything just about figured out. I need another natural science course, so I'm going to take CS 21, which is the computer science course between the class where you learn how to turn on a computer and the one where you have to be at least a semi-experienced programmer. I'm also going to take an English class on American poetry, an oil painting class, and a philosophy class entitled Theory of Knowledge. The prof for the philosophy class is the same guy I had for intro philosophy, so it should be fairly interesting -- the man could be the stereotype for the kind of wacky, eccentric, semi-confused liberal arts prof. He's awesome.
Anyway, with those classes, my schedule will look something like this:
MWF, 11:30-12:20: Theory of Knowledge
MW, 1:15-4: Oil Painting
TTh, 9:55-11:10: American Poetry
TTh, 2:40-3:55: Computer Science
Somewhere in there I will also be tossing in at least one PE class... I could do fitness training (which is just going to the gym, which I already do) the entire semester and finish up my PE requirement... I could take that on MWF from 10:30-11:20, or TTh from 11:20-12:35. I could also take yoga during the second half of the semester, which sounds cool, except for the fact that it's at 9 am. Or maybe I'll do both... And then definately get the credit for the fitness training, but maybe just do yoga for fun and not worry about being there all the time and getting the credit.
Alright, need to eat dinner and then go to chorus, where I will sit out and follow along with the music. With my cold it's not even worth it to try and sing... I know I won't be able to hit most of the notes. So I shall sit out and pay attention, and maybe do some other work on the sly. We'll see.
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
My astro homework is half done... No, I have not being working on it all this time. I took quite a lengthy break to hang out with Matt, then ended up chatting with Rob and Dawn and helped Rob set up a blog for himself,The Amazing Life of Bobby D. Now I will probably work on astro a bit more before I fall asleep. Or I could read the archives of Bobbins, the predecessor of Scary Go Round, until I felt like sleeping. But while that would be more fun, it would not be quite as productive, methinks.
I submitted a poem to one of the lit mags on campus, and I just got a nice, impersonal rejection email. Whee. I can't really complain... I wrote the poem in about 5 minutes in the airport the day before submissions were due. But still, rejection is never nice.
I submitted a poem to one of the lit mags on campus, and I just got a nice, impersonal rejection email. Whee. I can't really complain... I wrote the poem in about 5 minutes in the airport the day before submissions were due. But still, rejection is never nice.
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
I barely made it to WSRN in time for my show... I missed the shuttle, so I had to dash up there. Dashing with a cold in the rain is not fun, especially when it's up a large hill and hten 5 flights of stairs. Gah. But I did make it, and the DJ before me was nice enough to toss on another song so I could catch my breath and such.
Anyway, on to the playlist. A decent dose of emo... It seemed to fit with the rain and my cold and the resulting blah feeling.
Jets to Brazil: Lucky Charm
Something Corporate: Fall
*Beauty Pill: I’m Just Gonna Close My Eyes for a Second
Pete Yorn: Strange Condition
Further Seems Forever: The Moon is Down
*Stellastarr*: In the Walls
Ozma: No One Needs to Know
*Blonde Redhead: Falling Man
Jump, Little Children: Singer
*Her Space Holiday: Sleepy California
The Ataris: My Reply
Taking Back Sunday: Great Romances of the 20th Century
Saves the Day: As Your Ghost Takes Flight
Weezer: The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
Off to do astro homework now.
Anyway, on to the playlist. A decent dose of emo... It seemed to fit with the rain and my cold and the resulting blah feeling.
Jets to Brazil: Lucky Charm
Something Corporate: Fall
*Beauty Pill: I’m Just Gonna Close My Eyes for a Second
Pete Yorn: Strange Condition
Further Seems Forever: The Moon is Down
*Stellastarr*: In the Walls
Ozma: No One Needs to Know
*Blonde Redhead: Falling Man
Jump, Little Children: Singer
*Her Space Holiday: Sleepy California
The Ataris: My Reply
Taking Back Sunday: Great Romances of the 20th Century
Saves the Day: As Your Ghost Takes Flight
Weezer: The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
Off to do astro homework now.
Monday, March 29, 2004
Listening to The Grey Album right now... Jay-Z's Black Album set to the Beatles' White Album... Sounds like it would be a really weird combination, and it kind of is, but it's also pretty cool, too. Too bad the DJ responsible for it got into a fair amount of trouble.
I feel no desire to do anything right now... At least not anything productive, like working on my astro or English. I wouldn't mind trying to figure out what classes I'm going to take next semester, but the info isn't out yet. And I'd like to work on filling out the forms to block for a Lodge, but I can't do anything until I have the floorplans and know who our 5th is. Arg. So the only things that I both want and can do is procrastinate and sleep. And while sleep is useful, procrastination isn't.
There are Legos in the breakfast room to play with, courtesy of Rob. And there's a hammock in the back yard as well... Also courtesy of Rob. Yay for Rob.
The hall's entertainment for the past week or 2 has been courtesy of John and Nikos, due to their ongoing pranking feud. So far John has taken Nikos' door of its hinges and hid it... Then Nikos took John's door, switched it with his, and rearranged some stuff in John's room... John, in retaliation, moved all of Nikos' stuff into the hall and did some stuff to his computer... Nikos returned the favor. (They actually both spent 2 nights sleeping in the hall, too...) Then John took this cardboard box that Nikos had drawn a face on (hard to explain what it looked like, but it was kind of a large cardboard puppet), and torched it, sending Nikos pictures and putting the remains on Nikos' desk. And before Nikos could get back at him, John struck again. This time he took Nikos' bed and put it on the roof above the bike room. It was quite impressive. Nikos is going to have to come up with something pretty damn cool to top it. I fear that John's fish is going to be the target. Nikos won't actually hurt Buddy, but he may disappear for a bit.
Bedtime, I think.
I feel no desire to do anything right now... At least not anything productive, like working on my astro or English. I wouldn't mind trying to figure out what classes I'm going to take next semester, but the info isn't out yet. And I'd like to work on filling out the forms to block for a Lodge, but I can't do anything until I have the floorplans and know who our 5th is. Arg. So the only things that I both want and can do is procrastinate and sleep. And while sleep is useful, procrastination isn't.
There are Legos in the breakfast room to play with, courtesy of Rob. And there's a hammock in the back yard as well... Also courtesy of Rob. Yay for Rob.
The hall's entertainment for the past week or 2 has been courtesy of John and Nikos, due to their ongoing pranking feud. So far John has taken Nikos' door of its hinges and hid it... Then Nikos took John's door, switched it with his, and rearranged some stuff in John's room... John, in retaliation, moved all of Nikos' stuff into the hall and did some stuff to his computer... Nikos returned the favor. (They actually both spent 2 nights sleeping in the hall, too...) Then John took this cardboard box that Nikos had drawn a face on (hard to explain what it looked like, but it was kind of a large cardboard puppet), and torched it, sending Nikos pictures and putting the remains on Nikos' desk. And before Nikos could get back at him, John struck again. This time he took Nikos' bed and put it on the roof above the bike room. It was quite impressive. Nikos is going to have to come up with something pretty damn cool to top it. I fear that John's fish is going to be the target. Nikos won't actually hurt Buddy, but he may disappear for a bit.
Bedtime, I think.
I blew up at lunch today, tired of all the complaining and scheming and such. If he's going to ask us for advice, he might at least have the decency to listen to it and take it into consideration, instead of just ignoring it and doing the opposite. Rar. Part of me does feel bad for him, but another part wouldn't mind seeing her turn him down, seeing his attempts fail, just because he's doing what he always does, what we've told him to try not to do. *shakes head* He's not learning from his mistakes; he just keeps on making them. And that's frustrating to watch when you've been trying to help. But I've tried, and I'm done with it now.
Sunday, March 28, 2004
I feel a bit better. Still sick, but not quite as bad. Went to the jazz concert last night -- it was very good; I enjoyed it a lot. Went to Sager for a bit... It was okay, but we didn't stay too long.
I should do things today... Like my art homework, and my astro reading and questions... I should read some psych if I get the chance, or maybe read some Milton. Maybe work on my resume and write some letters. But I'd really rather lounge on my bed and doze on and off for the rest of the day. I'm such a lazy slug.
I should do things today... Like my art homework, and my astro reading and questions... I should read some psych if I get the chance, or maybe read some Milton. Maybe work on my resume and write some letters. But I'd really rather lounge on my bed and doze on and off for the rest of the day. I'm such a lazy slug.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
I feel shitty. Sore, scratchy throat. Runny nose. Tired and kind of achy, mild headache. The apple juice sort of stung as I drank it. The pancakes had no taste at all. Ah, the joys of being sick. I will go to the jazz ensemble concert tonight regardless of my state... But Sager is starting to look iffy. Darn. At least I don't have a lot of work that I absolutely must do this weekend. That enables me to laze about without feeling too guilty about it.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Ugh. I'm very out of it. And singing rather high notes for the past two hours didn't help my budding headache much.
I made the mistake of running on the track for a bit yesterday. My legs have been killing me all of today... Damn shin splints. Shooting pains suck.
I need to finish my psych homework, but then I think I'll just soak in the tub and then crawl into bed.
I made the mistake of running on the track for a bit yesterday. My legs have been killing me all of today... Damn shin splints. Shooting pains suck.
I need to finish my psych homework, but then I think I'll just soak in the tub and then crawl into bed.
A few things...
Playlist for last night:
*The Constantines: Shine a Light
*The Weakerthans: One Great City!
*Dios: All Said and Done
The Cardigans: Fine
Ben Folds Five: Kate
*The Beauty Pill: Goodnight for Real
Saves the Day: Ups and Downs
*Franz Ferdinand: Take Me Out
OK Go: Get Over It
*Beulah: Landslide Baby
*Preston School of Industry: Escalation Breeds Escalation
Jeff Buckley: Eternal Life
Chris Cornell: Pillow of Your Bones
*The Decemberists: Los Angeles, I'm Yours
Fluff apparently has feline leukemia and FIV. This is not good news. His fate is uncertain thus far, but my mom would like to keep him if possible, since he's not very adoptable being terminally ill and all.
Jonathan Franzen is coming to campus next Wednesday. I was really excited about it... But I just got an email saying that it would require reservations... And I clicked on the link and such... And it's already full. *curses* I may try to sneak in anyway, because I really want to go.
Time to do laundry.
Playlist for last night:
*The Constantines: Shine a Light
*The Weakerthans: One Great City!
*Dios: All Said and Done
The Cardigans: Fine
Ben Folds Five: Kate
*The Beauty Pill: Goodnight for Real
Saves the Day: Ups and Downs
*Franz Ferdinand: Take Me Out
OK Go: Get Over It
*Beulah: Landslide Baby
*Preston School of Industry: Escalation Breeds Escalation
Jeff Buckley: Eternal Life
Chris Cornell: Pillow of Your Bones
*The Decemberists: Los Angeles, I'm Yours
Fluff apparently has feline leukemia and FIV. This is not good news. His fate is uncertain thus far, but my mom would like to keep him if possible, since he's not very adoptable being terminally ill and all.
Jonathan Franzen is coming to campus next Wednesday. I was really excited about it... But I just got an email saying that it would require reservations... And I clicked on the link and such... And it's already full. *curses* I may try to sneak in anyway, because I really want to go.
Time to do laundry.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
So we did end up going to the dance after all. Yay for the puppy-dog eyes. Anyway, the dance was fun, even though the music was screwed up... Someone messed up some of the equipment or something, so there was a period of at least 15 minutes where there was no music at all. But they finally got it fixed, and the dancing continued.
My paper for astro is almost done. I'll probably work on reading psych this evening, or maybe do some art. And then Monday will be spent doing my Milton essay. Such fun.
My paper for astro is almost done. I'll probably work on reading psych this evening, or maybe do some art. And then Monday will be spent doing my Milton essay. Such fun.
Saturday, March 20, 2004
So... Screw. We're not going to the actually dance, because he's really tired. So I wouldn't be able to make him dance or anything. It sucks, but oh well.
Anyway, our little 'skit' was interesting... I suppose I should explain a bit first. Here at Swat, Screw (short for Screw Your Roommate), is a pretty major affair. Sharples is filled with people looking for their blind date... And in order to find them, they have to do something... Dress up like something, do a certain thing, something like that. Examples from tonight: Aeriel (as in the Little Mermaid), looking for her prince. Day looking for Night. Peanut butter looking for jelly. And so on.
So Matt and I weren't informed of what we'd have to do. We knew we were being screwed with each other, but that was about all. At the last minute, we were informed. Matt would be locked to a chair (with a bike lock)... The key would be hidden. In order to find the key, I would have to find the clue. The clue was written on his arms, along with some other things. And each hint or red herring was covered by a glob of whipped cream. Oh yeah, I also had my hands tied behind my back. So I wandered through Sharples, and located Matt... Then I had to lick the whipped cream off him to find the notes... And I finally found it and got the key. But we attracted quite a crowd. And many pictures were taken as well... All in all, it was pretty interesting.
I think I'll go give him puppy dog eyes and see if I can convince him to go to the dance after all. I really do want to go... I feel silly doing the part at Sharples if I don't even bother to go to the dance.
Off I go.
Anyway, our little 'skit' was interesting... I suppose I should explain a bit first. Here at Swat, Screw (short for Screw Your Roommate), is a pretty major affair. Sharples is filled with people looking for their blind date... And in order to find them, they have to do something... Dress up like something, do a certain thing, something like that. Examples from tonight: Aeriel (as in the Little Mermaid), looking for her prince. Day looking for Night. Peanut butter looking for jelly. And so on.
So Matt and I weren't informed of what we'd have to do. We knew we were being screwed with each other, but that was about all. At the last minute, we were informed. Matt would be locked to a chair (with a bike lock)... The key would be hidden. In order to find the key, I would have to find the clue. The clue was written on his arms, along with some other things. And each hint or red herring was covered by a glob of whipped cream. Oh yeah, I also had my hands tied behind my back. So I wandered through Sharples, and located Matt... Then I had to lick the whipped cream off him to find the notes... And I finally found it and got the key. But we attracted quite a crowd. And many pictures were taken as well... All in all, it was pretty interesting.
I think I'll go give him puppy dog eyes and see if I can convince him to go to the dance after all. I really do want to go... I feel silly doing the part at Sharples if I don't even bother to go to the dance.
Off I go.
The Pretty Girls Make Graves and Saves the Day concerts are both a no-go. But the Something Corporate concert will probably happen, which is cool. And by not going to see Saves the Day, I can go to the jazz ensemble concert instead. So all's well that ends well, I guess.
I saw Taking Lives last night... It was pretty good, albiet pretty screwed up. But it was cool, because it was full of twists and therefore pretty unpredictible. That's always nice in a thriller.
Must go shower so I'm presentable and such whenever my brother and his new girlfriend show up at my door.
I saw Taking Lives last night... It was pretty good, albiet pretty screwed up. But it was cool, because it was full of twists and therefore pretty unpredictible. That's always nice in a thriller.
Must go shower so I'm presentable and such whenever my brother and his new girlfriend show up at my door.
Friday, March 19, 2004
In theory, I should be at the gym right now. But I really can't motivated myself to untie and take off my boots just to put them back on 30 minutes later. Yes, I am lazy.
The boots are neccessary because it did indeed snow last night. Not as much as they had threatened... In fact, not all that much at all, but it is still snow and still messy.
I took my astro midterm today... It wasn't too bad, yay! And I don't think it's worth all that much, either, which is nice. I don't really like the pressure of big tests that decide most of your grade.
One more class, and then it's officially the weekend for me... Whee!
The boots are neccessary because it did indeed snow last night. Not as much as they had threatened... In fact, not all that much at all, but it is still snow and still messy.
I took my astro midterm today... It wasn't too bad, yay! And I don't think it's worth all that much, either, which is nice. I don't really like the pressure of big tests that decide most of your grade.
One more class, and then it's officially the weekend for me... Whee!
Thursday, March 18, 2004
So it warmed up a bit today, the snow melted, and it seemed to be spring again. And now this: a winter storm warning tonight into Friday, with a possible 5 to 8 inches of snow. Gah!
I need to do work. But I keep on getting distracted by things that are more interesting and fun, like talking to people and reading comics. Must focus...
I need to do work. But I keep on getting distracted by things that are more interesting and fun, like talking to people and reading comics. Must focus...
Looking at various concerts in the area... I may still try to go to either the Pretty Girls Make Graves or the Saves the Day/Grandaddy concert on the 26th and 27th, respectively... But Something Corporate, with Yellowcard, will be in the area on May 1st, a date that would work well for me, I think. Death Cab for Cutie is playing on April 12th, but that's a Monday... So it's less than ideal. And Sleater-Kinney is playing on April 29th, which is both a Thursday as well as the night before my choir concert. Gah.
So I guess I'm going to see if Peter is still up for Saves the Day (or see if he'd be more interested in PGMG... It's cheaper and he may like it more), and/or see if I can find someone to go to the Something Corporate show. I know someone who'd like to go, but I think she's saving her money up for this summer. Hmm. We'll see what happens.
I should get some sleep now...
So I guess I'm going to see if Peter is still up for Saves the Day (or see if he'd be more interested in PGMG... It's cheaper and he may like it more), and/or see if I can find someone to go to the Something Corporate show. I know someone who'd like to go, but I think she's saving her money up for this summer. Hmm. We'll see what happens.
I should get some sleep now...
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Someone please put me out of my misery. My misery being me wanting very much to just sleep all day and not being able to focus on the reading I need to do. And there are the two papers that need to be written by early next week. But I feel completely unmotivated, wanting nothing more than to laze about and stare vacantly into space. I miss break.
Oh, by the way, happy St. Patrick's Day.
Oh, by the way, happy St. Patrick's Day.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Playlist o' the week:
*Pixies: Here Comes Your Man
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Rich
Down by Law: No Equalizer
*Black Flag: What I See
Bif Naked: I Love Myself Today
Finch: Postscript
*Erase Errata: Go to Sleep
Rage Against the Machine: Take the Power Back
The Movielife: Takin’ It Out and Choppin’ It Up
Reel Big Fish: The Kids Don’t Like It
Alkaline Trio: All on Black
Taking Back Sunday: Cute Without the ‘E’ (Cut from the Team)
*Franz Ferdinand: Darts of Pleasure
Eels: Dog Faced Boy
Bad Religion: The Defense
Operation Ivy: Take Warning
*The Holy Ghost: Seein' is Believin'
AFI: Silver and Cold
Lots of loud, punky music. Whee. To give me energy despite the sucky weather. And someone called me (someone not even related to me!), which made me feel special.
*Pixies: Here Comes Your Man
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Rich
Down by Law: No Equalizer
*Black Flag: What I See
Bif Naked: I Love Myself Today
Finch: Postscript
*Erase Errata: Go to Sleep
Rage Against the Machine: Take the Power Back
The Movielife: Takin’ It Out and Choppin’ It Up
Reel Big Fish: The Kids Don’t Like It
Alkaline Trio: All on Black
Taking Back Sunday: Cute Without the ‘E’ (Cut from the Team)
*Franz Ferdinand: Darts of Pleasure
Eels: Dog Faced Boy
Bad Religion: The Defense
Operation Ivy: Take Warning
*The Holy Ghost: Seein' is Believin'
AFI: Silver and Cold
Lots of loud, punky music. Whee. To give me energy despite the sucky weather. And someone called me (someone not even related to me!), which made me feel special.
Memo to Mother Nature:
Yesterday, spring was out in full force... It was warm, sunny, a few flowers were blooming, etc. Today it is cold and snowing. This change in weather is not normal, nor is it acceptable. In fact, it just plain sucks. Please explain yourself and remedy the situation ASAP.
Thank you.
Yesterday, spring was out in full force... It was warm, sunny, a few flowers were blooming, etc. Today it is cold and snowing. This change in weather is not normal, nor is it acceptable. In fact, it just plain sucks. Please explain yourself and remedy the situation ASAP.
Thank you.
Monday, March 15, 2004
I'm back at school... Whee... I woke up early for some reason, so I have 20 minutes to kill before I have to walk up to campus. Yay.
It's supposed to snow/sleet tomorrow. That's just wrong. My flip-flops and I are morally opposed to this news, but there's little we can do about it. Today's high is in the 50s, though, so I shall wear flip-flops today and then go back to normal shoes tomorrow.
I have about 7 weeks of classes left, and then finals. That's really not that long -- a month and a half, maybe 2 -- when I remember I've already been here for about 6 months. It doesn't feel like it's been that long... But the calender doesn't lie.
Wow, that took all of 5 minutes to write... I guess I'll just head up to campus early and walk nice and slow.
It's supposed to snow/sleet tomorrow. That's just wrong. My flip-flops and I are morally opposed to this news, but there's little we can do about it. Today's high is in the 50s, though, so I shall wear flip-flops today and then go back to normal shoes tomorrow.
I have about 7 weeks of classes left, and then finals. That's really not that long -- a month and a half, maybe 2 -- when I remember I've already been here for about 6 months. It doesn't feel like it's been that long... But the calender doesn't lie.
Wow, that took all of 5 minutes to write... I guess I'll just head up to campus early and walk nice and slow.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
I forgot to post and publish the last entry. I only posted it, so it was hidden away from public eyes. Whoops. But that's been fixed now. I'm sure you're all very excited.
There's a stray/lost cat around the house. Actually, there seem to be three, but only one of them is friendly enough to let us interact with it. In fact, it's a very friendly cat. A bit dirty and mussed up, but quite nice and obviously domesticated. And rather pathetic as well... Which works to its advantage, since it's currently hanging out in a room in the basement, with some food and a bed, out of the rain. We're not sure what we're going to do with it yet... If we didn't already have two cats (and a dog and a rabbit), we'd probably keep it, because he/she is a sweetheart... But that's not going to work. The Humane Society no longer accepts strays, and the city shelter doens't have a no-kill policy, so things could end bad for Fluffy is she goes there... (Yes, we have dubbed it Fluffy. A silly name, but it appears to be a Maine coon/orange tiger mix, and it is indeed fluffy. So there.)
So... Anyone want a friendly kitty cat?
I'm heading back to school tomorrow. Whee, but also eek. I have a draft of my astro paper due Friday, as well as my astro midterm. I have a WA draft of my English paper due early the next week... Screw is this weekend, my brother is probably going to stop by the same day... Housing needs to be resolved, I'll need to pick classes for next semester in the next few weeks... I need to look into internships more... Gah.
But before I can do any of that, I need to sleep.
There's a stray/lost cat around the house. Actually, there seem to be three, but only one of them is friendly enough to let us interact with it. In fact, it's a very friendly cat. A bit dirty and mussed up, but quite nice and obviously domesticated. And rather pathetic as well... Which works to its advantage, since it's currently hanging out in a room in the basement, with some food and a bed, out of the rain. We're not sure what we're going to do with it yet... If we didn't already have two cats (and a dog and a rabbit), we'd probably keep it, because he/she is a sweetheart... But that's not going to work. The Humane Society no longer accepts strays, and the city shelter doens't have a no-kill policy, so things could end bad for Fluffy is she goes there... (Yes, we have dubbed it Fluffy. A silly name, but it appears to be a Maine coon/orange tiger mix, and it is indeed fluffy. So there.)
So... Anyone want a friendly kitty cat?
I'm heading back to school tomorrow. Whee, but also eek. I have a draft of my astro paper due Friday, as well as my astro midterm. I have a WA draft of my English paper due early the next week... Screw is this weekend, my brother is probably going to stop by the same day... Housing needs to be resolved, I'll need to pick classes for next semester in the next few weeks... I need to look into internships more... Gah.
But before I can do any of that, I need to sleep.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
I've watched 3 movies in the past few days... State and Main, Secondhand Lions, and From Hell. State and Main was pretty good... Secondhand Lions was also good, and made me cry. From Hell, a movie about Jack the Ripper with Johnny Depp (not as the Ripper, but as a police inspector), was quite good... It was also rather bloody at parts (obviously), and pretty damn freaky at parts as well.
I worked on my resume today. Whee. It still needs work, but at least I've done something with it. That makes me feel less guilty.
I acquired a new Magic 8 Ball. Over winter break I got a Muppets' one, which doesn't really answer any questions, but does offer you various Muppet quotes This new one is based on Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events books, so it offers such tidbits of wisdom as "Unfortunately yes," "Misfortune imminent," and "My sources say tragedy." Quite interesting, but perhaps not the best source to turn to if one is seeking uplifting guidance.
Time for some sleep... I need to do stuff tomorrow. Like go to track practice and hassle people. Yay!
I worked on my resume today. Whee. It still needs work, but at least I've done something with it. That makes me feel less guilty.
I acquired a new Magic 8 Ball. Over winter break I got a Muppets' one, which doesn't really answer any questions, but does offer you various Muppet quotes This new one is based on Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events books, so it offers such tidbits of wisdom as "Unfortunately yes," "Misfortune imminent," and "My sources say tragedy." Quite interesting, but perhaps not the best source to turn to if one is seeking uplifting guidance.
Time for some sleep... I need to do stuff tomorrow. Like go to track practice and hassle people. Yay!
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
It turns out that the place in Minneapolist where I got my tattoo done, Saint Sabrina's Parlor in Purgatory, has a website. It's pretty and uses Flash and is rather impressive. They don't have much of anything up about the girl, Claudia, who did my tattoo in July, but they say they will soon. She was cool, and about as far from your stereotypical tattoo artist as you can get, except for the tattoos up and down her own arms and legs.
Anyway, this has no relevance to anything whatsoever, except for the fact that I found the site and I still very much love my tattoo.
And now, bed. Maybe.
Anyway, this has no relevance to anything whatsoever, except for the fact that I found the site and I still very much love my tattoo.
And now, bed. Maybe.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Friday, March 05, 2004
I really need to stop looking at the links pages of the web-comics I read. It's bad. I keep on finding more comics/online graphic novels that are really good. Recent finds: Demonology 101, about a teenage girl/demon and that never-ending battle between good and evil, only it's not quite *that* simple... Flipside, about a girl whose personality changes when she puts on her jester outfit, her friend, and their adventures... And No Rest for the Wicked, which features fairy tale characters... sort of.
None of those summaries do the stories justice. Read them. They're good.
My packing basically done, except for some random last minute stuff. I'm packing light this time. Well, light for me, anyway. Anyway, break should be fun... I don't have any work I have to do, but I'm probably going to try to mull over topics for my next English paper and maybe get a start on my astro essay. Or maybe I'll just play The Sims until the wee hours of the night and then sleep ungodly late.
I am now going to attempt to drag myself away from the computer, in hopes that I will not find another comic that has about 3 years of archives that I desperately want to read. Instead, I will return to the world of the living. Human contact good.
None of those summaries do the stories justice. Read them. They're good.
My packing basically done, except for some random last minute stuff. I'm packing light this time. Well, light for me, anyway. Anyway, break should be fun... I don't have any work I have to do, but I'm probably going to try to mull over topics for my next English paper and maybe get a start on my astro essay. Or maybe I'll just play The Sims until the wee hours of the night and then sleep ungodly late.
I am now going to attempt to drag myself away from the computer, in hopes that I will not find another comic that has about 3 years of archives that I desperately want to read. Instead, I will return to the world of the living. Human contact good.
One of my CAs from orientation is going to be an RA next year. ML 1st's RA, no less. Maybe next year I'll get to make fun of him for having such a long walk to campus.
The other possible 5th for the Lodge can't do it, so that just leaves us with our first possibility. He's not sure yet. But we can't really think of anyone else who would work as well... So we may have to start bribing him. Or perhaps use our charm. Oh, who am I kidding. We may just have to resort to force. The four of us could probably take him -- 3 of us go to the gym on a fairly regular basis. But hopefully he'll agree of his own free will so I won't have a feeling of guilt to deal with.
One more class until spring break starts. Whee! And practically no work to do over break. Maybe some psych reading if I feel like it, or I could start working on my astro paper or think about my next English essay. But there's nothing I have to do. It's quite nice.
Off to kill time.
The other possible 5th for the Lodge can't do it, so that just leaves us with our first possibility. He's not sure yet. But we can't really think of anyone else who would work as well... So we may have to start bribing him. Or perhaps use our charm. Oh, who am I kidding. We may just have to resort to force. The four of us could probably take him -- 3 of us go to the gym on a fairly regular basis. But hopefully he'll agree of his own free will so I won't have a feeling of guilt to deal with.
One more class until spring break starts. Whee! And practically no work to do over break. Maybe some psych reading if I feel like it, or I could start working on my astro paper or think about my next English essay. But there's nothing I have to do. It's quite nice.
Off to kill time.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Just so you know...
Sin sprang from Satan's head, making her Satan's daughter. But then Satan slept with her, and she became pregnant. Then the war occurred in Heaven, and Satan and his rebel angels were cast into Hell. Sin was also banished to Hell, where she gave birth to Death (well, sort of... More like Death gnawed his way out of the womb...). Death apparently had no infant stage, because he immediately chased down Sin, his mother, and raped her. Sin got pregnant again, this time with Hellhounds. There was another gruesome birth, only this one turned her lower half into that of a serpent. And of course, the Hellhounds feel the need to crawl back into Sin's womb and be reborn every hour.
So. Sin is Satan's daughter as well as his mistress. And Death is their son, but he's also Sin's half-brother as well as her rapist. And the Hellhounds are Sin and Death's children, making them Satan's grandchildren or something.
Milton, you are one sick and messed up man.
Sin sprang from Satan's head, making her Satan's daughter. But then Satan slept with her, and she became pregnant. Then the war occurred in Heaven, and Satan and his rebel angels were cast into Hell. Sin was also banished to Hell, where she gave birth to Death (well, sort of... More like Death gnawed his way out of the womb...). Death apparently had no infant stage, because he immediately chased down Sin, his mother, and raped her. Sin got pregnant again, this time with Hellhounds. There was another gruesome birth, only this one turned her lower half into that of a serpent. And of course, the Hellhounds feel the need to crawl back into Sin's womb and be reborn every hour.
So. Sin is Satan's daughter as well as his mistress. And Death is their son, but he's also Sin's half-brother as well as her rapist. And the Hellhounds are Sin and Death's children, making them Satan's grandchildren or something.
Milton, you are one sick and messed up man.
Okay, so I didn't fail my abnormal psych midterm. I'm not sure how well I did, but I'm confident I at least passed. Yay. Now if only I could just go back to bed for the rest of the day. It is cloudy and drizzling and yucky outside, and I have no energy at all. But I have art this afternoon, and I don't skip classes, because that is not the perfectionist Jen way.
About a day and a half until spring break. Whee!
About a day and a half until spring break. Whee!
I left my room about 30 minutes ago to get a bagel from the breakfast room. On my way there, I bumped into Nell, who was in the front hall, waiting for the shuttle. Rachel, Nell's roommate, has the 10-12 shift, so Nell thought she'd hop on and hang out. Nell and I started chatting, and then the shuttle came, and we were in the middle of the conversation, so I got on the shuttle as well. And so Nell and I rode around on the shuttle with Rachel and Brodie until about 12:15, when a replacement finally showed up to take over. And then I finally made it over to the breakfast room and got my bagel. All in all, the most fun I've had while on a bagel run.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Reading through my psych notes this evening has made me feel like I may not take any more psych classes. All my notes have doodles in the margins, and a very high rate of things like "I need sleep" written here and there (often between lines of completely illegible notes)... So... Yeah. I'm interested in most of the readings (though more of the mental/cognitive stuff than the biological/physiological), but class just cannot hold my attention. And that's a definite problem.
We were assigned a paper today in astronomy class. Whee. It shouldn't be too bad, which is good. And the midterm for that class will also be non-scary, since it's not worth all that much. Yay!
I'm not overly interested in the subject matter of my astro class, but it's probably one of my favorite classes this semester. Part of it is because it's really not difficult at all. But a lot of it is because Professor Jensen is awesome. He reminds me quite a bit of Klauser, actually. He's not quite as quotable as Klauser, but he does have some good things now and then. Today he called Pluto "the freakshow of the solar system"... Past ones include "Let's do it... Just because it's fun" (about determining the speed of the Earth's rotation, and sounds a hell of a lot like a Klauserism), and "The NASA term for it is de-orbiting. That means it crashes" (during a discussion of what will happen to the Hubble Space Telescope if no more repairs/rocket boosts are okayed).
Also, today there was a cool demo involving conservation of angular momentum. Imagine a figure skater during a spin, only replace the skater with a lanky college prof and the ice with a lazy-susan type deal... And then toss in a bicycle wheel that can be used to change directions. (Trust me, the demo makes much more sense is a) you know what angular momentum is, and b) you actually see it...)
Okay. Will continue my break from studying away from the computer, and will review some more psych stuff before I go to sleep.
We were assigned a paper today in astronomy class. Whee. It shouldn't be too bad, which is good. And the midterm for that class will also be non-scary, since it's not worth all that much. Yay!
I'm not overly interested in the subject matter of my astro class, but it's probably one of my favorite classes this semester. Part of it is because it's really not difficult at all. But a lot of it is because Professor Jensen is awesome. He reminds me quite a bit of Klauser, actually. He's not quite as quotable as Klauser, but he does have some good things now and then. Today he called Pluto "the freakshow of the solar system"... Past ones include "Let's do it... Just because it's fun" (about determining the speed of the Earth's rotation, and sounds a hell of a lot like a Klauserism), and "The NASA term for it is de-orbiting. That means it crashes" (during a discussion of what will happen to the Hubble Space Telescope if no more repairs/rocket boosts are okayed).
Also, today there was a cool demo involving conservation of angular momentum. Imagine a figure skater during a spin, only replace the skater with a lanky college prof and the ice with a lazy-susan type deal... And then toss in a bicycle wheel that can be used to change directions. (Trust me, the demo makes much more sense is a) you know what angular momentum is, and b) you actually see it...)
Okay. Will continue my break from studying away from the computer, and will review some more psych stuff before I go to sleep.
Things I've learned this afternoon:
1) I have no idea how to study for my abnormal psych midterm.
2) It is a bad idea to study when you are tired.
3) 2 hour naps are nice.
4) I'm going to go into class tomorrow, look at my midterm, and cry.
*sigh* So I have not-so-high hopes for my psych midterm... I'll do some more studying tonight, after chorus, and hope for the best.
1) I have no idea how to study for my abnormal psych midterm.
2) It is a bad idea to study when you are tired.
3) 2 hour naps are nice.
4) I'm going to go into class tomorrow, look at my midterm, and cry.
*sigh* So I have not-so-high hopes for my psych midterm... I'll do some more studying tonight, after chorus, and hope for the best.
There's a new t-shirt that I've been seeing around campus... It says something along the lines of: "Swarthmore College: Academics, Friends, Sleep. Choose 2."
The shirt is fairly accurate, or at least it's felt like that for this past week. Academics always gets high priority, and then friends and sleep switch off. Lately sleep has been winning out over friends (except for on weekends), mostly because when my work is done, I just don't have the energy to do much of anything. It sucks. But at least spring break is almost here... Then I can sleep a lot, and academics will be much less of an issue (still an issue, though... I know I'll have at least a little work to do over break).
Oh. This morning I was held hostage by a red dry erase marked wielded by Ethan in the breakfast room. He was using me as a shield to protect himself from mini-Matt. I escaped, and then the battle resumed. It was quite entertaining. You really wouldn't think that muffins would be very effective weapons, but it seems they work rather well.
Time to study for my midterm.
The shirt is fairly accurate, or at least it's felt like that for this past week. Academics always gets high priority, and then friends and sleep switch off. Lately sleep has been winning out over friends (except for on weekends), mostly because when my work is done, I just don't have the energy to do much of anything. It sucks. But at least spring break is almost here... Then I can sleep a lot, and academics will be much less of an issue (still an issue, though... I know I'll have at least a little work to do over break).
Oh. This morning I was held hostage by a red dry erase marked wielded by Ethan in the breakfast room. He was using me as a shield to protect himself from mini-Matt. I escaped, and then the battle resumed. It was quite entertaining. You really wouldn't think that muffins would be very effective weapons, but it seems they work rather well.
Time to study for my midterm.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Playlist for my radio show:
Built to Spill: Stop the Show
Eels: Souljacker I
*The Weakerthans: Plea from a Cat Named Virtue
*The Wrens: Faster Gun
*Preston School of Industry: Walk of a Gurl
*The Dirtbombs: Get it While You Can
The Shins: We Will Become Silhouettes
The Postal Service: We Will Become Silhouettes
*Capitol Years: Jet Black
Juliana Theory: If I Told You This Was Killing Me, Would You Stop?
The Junior Varsity: Housefire
The Vines: Highly Evolved
*The Features: The Beginning (Week One)
*Coach Whips: Extinguish Me
Sleater-Kinney: Prisstina
Jimmy Eat World: Goodbye Sky Harbor
The White Stripes: I Think I Smell a Rat
The Shins' cover of "We Will Become Silhouettes" is so different from The Postal Service's version... I've never listened to one right after the other before, and I've never realized how different they are... The lyrics are one of the few things that remain the same.
Anyway... Moving on. I won't be doing a show next week since it's spring break and I'll be back home. Whee! But the week after that I'll be back on air.
Built to Spill: Stop the Show
Eels: Souljacker I
*The Weakerthans: Plea from a Cat Named Virtue
*The Wrens: Faster Gun
*Preston School of Industry: Walk of a Gurl
*The Dirtbombs: Get it While You Can
The Shins: We Will Become Silhouettes
The Postal Service: We Will Become Silhouettes
*Capitol Years: Jet Black
Juliana Theory: If I Told You This Was Killing Me, Would You Stop?
The Junior Varsity: Housefire
The Vines: Highly Evolved
*The Features: The Beginning (Week One)
*Coach Whips: Extinguish Me
Sleater-Kinney: Prisstina
Jimmy Eat World: Goodbye Sky Harbor
The White Stripes: I Think I Smell a Rat
The Shins' cover of "We Will Become Silhouettes" is so different from The Postal Service's version... I've never listened to one right after the other before, and I've never realized how different they are... The lyrics are one of the few things that remain the same.
Anyway... Moving on. I won't be doing a show next week since it's spring break and I'll be back home. Whee! But the week after that I'll be back on air.
Monday, March 01, 2004
Gah. I haven't gotten much done today. I went to Target to pick up my film, and there were issues because my photos had been mixed up with someone else's and I ended up getting charged too much. And there was no one at the photo counter, so we went to one of the checkout lanes, and they sent me to the service desk, and they said they couldn't help me, and sent me back to the photo area, where there was still no one. Finally someone showed up... One was pretty bitchy, but the other one helped me out, and eventually I got my own photos, negatives, and a refund. But it took too damned long. Gah.
And when I got back to ML, we did more scavenger hunt related things... Got a tour group and then some people on my hall spelled out ML with our bodies. Eventually I took a nap, which therefore ate up some of the time I should have been using to study and such. But it's too late to do anything about that now.
I have about 2 hours until the scavenger hunt study break/judging thing... So I'm going to read some astro, I think. At some point I need to study for my abnormal psych midterm, but to be quite honest, I don't even know where to start with that. And I also need to read the first 2 books of Paradise Lost. Gah yet again.
I wish it was spring break already.
And when I got back to ML, we did more scavenger hunt related things... Got a tour group and then some people on my hall spelled out ML with our bodies. Eventually I took a nap, which therefore ate up some of the time I should have been using to study and such. But it's too late to do anything about that now.
I have about 2 hours until the scavenger hunt study break/judging thing... So I'm going to read some astro, I think. At some point I need to study for my abnormal psych midterm, but to be quite honest, I don't even know where to start with that. And I also need to read the first 2 books of Paradise Lost. Gah yet again.
I wish it was spring break already.
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