Last night was pretty fun... Grabbed dinner from the campus cafe-thingy (mmm... chicken finger wrap), went to the jazz ensemble concert, and then watched Clue.
The jazz concert was really good... My only complaint is that there were no trombones. That's not really their fault though; they can't force trombones to join the ensemble. Other than that, the music was very good... There was one song with a great flute part... Jazzy flute = very nifty.
Clue was also fun... There were some technical difficulties in the beginning, but those were dealt with, and much merriment ensued.
This morning has also been pretty good so far... I ate lots of yummy food (delicious chocolate chip muffines, amazing biscuts, and good applesauce-cinnamon pancakes), and then my cat noises were declared better than Jeff's. This is quite an accomplishment, since Jeff is the king of cute, weird noises. You can't see it, but I'm glowing with pride right now.
Today... A play this afternoon -- Picasso at the Lapin Agile. It's by Steve Martin. It's about Picasso and Einstein meeting in a bar and chatting. It should be interesting. And then wind ensemble concert this evening. Probably not as cool as jazz, but it will still be enjoyable. Somewhere, in the midst of this all, I must fit in a good amount of work. Whee.
Oh yeah... Thursday night, I went to see John Brady Kiesling speak. He's a '79 graduate of Swat, and he used to be a diplomat until he resigned over the Bush administration's policy regarding Iraq. He was very interesting, and his 20 years in the State Department as a diplomat showed in the way he spoke... Lots of thought and care. His talk was a bit scattered (it was completely off the top of his head though, so that makes sense), but very interesting overall. At least half of it was him answering questions, which was cool as well.
And that's all I really have to say about that. Or anything right now.
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