Things that make a bad day better: 1) pizza and 2) a wonderful, caring boyfriend who cheers you up.
Today was bad. I overslept, but luckily made it to class on time anyway. English class was fine, I turned in my RA app and such afterwards, then tried to get some more work done before my next class. I sort of succeeded. Mythology was okay, except for the horrible guilt I feel for being behind. I think that all hope is lost for actually reading the rest of the Iliad at this point. I'll do some serious skimming or *cringe* find a summary somewhere. I will read the last book though. And then I'll start the Odyssey... And I'll be damned if I let myself get as far behind in that. Anyway, so mythology was fine except for the guilt and the inability to participate in discussion. Next was lunch, then doing more work. I'm almost caught up in philosophy. I should be able to finish Fear and Trembling tonight, and then get some of the other stuff done tomorrow before class. I could/should go to yoga, but it's not happening. I want to, but I'm not doing it for credit, and I should spend the time doing work for my real classes. Besides, I'm doing some yoga in acting as it is. Anyway. Back to the rest of my day... Some philosophy reading, a nap, a conference with my English prof about which paper option I'm doing (2 for the semester, one shortish, one longish), more work, then acting. Acting was pretty good -- nothing too intense, thankfully. Though we have to start working on stuff outside of class. She gave us scenes from A Streetcar Named Desire, assigned us roles and partners, and we have to work on them. So that will be taking up a portion of my Saturday. After acting was choir. I think I'm going to have to drop it. By the end of Wednesdays, I'm too dead tired to concentrate. The piece we're doing (Bach's Mass in B Minor) is hard, and it becomes even harder because I'm singing 2nd soprano. The notes are easier to hit, yeah, but so much harder to find with the 1sts overpowering you. As it was, rehearsal felt like torture today. I just wanted to leave and get dinner. By the time we got out, it was too late for me to use my meal credit at Essie Mae's... So I ended up collapsing in Mertz and getting a pizza and a shoulder to cry on.
Tomorrow I'll look into dropping choir -- then Wednesdays will just be long, rather than hellish. Which is most definitely an improvement.
Reading now, then sleep.
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