People are out having fun tonight, while I'm looking at a night of work. *le sigh* At least I have possible-all-nighter solidarity with Jeff. Also, I found out that Jeff will be taking playwriting next semester too, which means I'll get to have a class with him! There is much rejoicing about this, because Jeff is awesome.
Right now I'm trying to figure out what to write for philosophy. I know I'm going to write about Camus, because that is what is freshest in my mind (as in, I just finished reading An Absurd Reasoning about 15 minutes ago)... However, I don't know what to think about any of it, which therefore makes it problematic to write about it. There are basically two prompts that I'm trying to choose between. The second one will probably win, as much of it is just rehashing what I read in my own words. However, I don't know how to answer the last bit: "What do you think of his views?" I'm honestly not sure. I'm hoping some time spent packing will let things sink in, but at this point, I'm kind of torn. I understand his point and I mostly follow how he makes it, but I don't know what to think about the conclusion. It makes sense, I guess, but it just sounds so unappealing to basically live for the sake of living as an act of revolution towards the absurd. Then again, with my moments of mild existential crisis aside, I tend to feel that there is some meaning to life, so it's understandable that Camus' conclusion wouldn't rest well with me.
Anyway, now for some packing.
Easy Peasy
57 minutes ago
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