Work today was fine -- nothing too exciting... Putting barcodes on some stuff, readying other books to go out into the library, etc. Major thing of note was the discovery that the super-sketchy guy still works there, which is not a good discovery.
Super-Sketchy Guy (SSG) was someone I encountered last year when I actually did some studying in the library (this year it was forsaken in favor of the media lounge, my science center niche, and Cornell). I would study in a chair by the window and things like that, and SSG would come buy with his little cart of books, doing normal library stuff. He'd talk to me sometimes... Once he actually kind of snuck up on me to apologize for the squeaky cart... None of the things he did were in and of themselves sketchy. I've encountered other college employees who are that chatty with students, mostly in the various dining places. But there's something about this guy that creeps me out big time. I feel very uncomfortable around him. I started noticing where/when I would often run into him and would avoid those places and spots. If I saw him on level III when I was walking up the stairs, I would continue on to level IV. If I saw him along one part of the hall, I'd turn around and go the long way to get to the bathroom/computer/book I needed. I don't know what to attribute it to, but SSG just makes me very ill at ease.
I hadn't really thought about this for awhile, since I didn't spend much time in McCabe this year. But today, our paths crossed again. He talked to me in the staff lounge during my break. I wanted to flee. He was in the lounge when I went to grab my lunch, said "See you later" as I fled. It was the sort of "See you later" that makes me want to glance over my shoulder all the time, afraid that he'll be there, lurking and creepy.
*shudder* This man scares me, quite frankly.
Easy Peasy
52 minutes ago
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