Choir class today was rather interesting... As usual, we were singing one of our wonderful religious songs (In case you didn't know, there are are 3 general types of choral music: religious, sappily inspirational, and everything else), and the director apparently didn't think we were getting into enough. He said something along the lines of: "C'mon, people! You're seeing about His great deeds! Show some emotion! I don't think there are any atheists in here!" As soon as those words left his mouth, I couldn't help it. One of my friends glanced at me, and we both started cracking up. I couldn't sing for the rest of the song... I was just too amused. I think he noticed our reaction, because he added that "even if you are an atheist, you can fake it," or some such thing. The whole incident just reminded me how very undiverse (Is that a word? How about nondiverse? Lacking in diversity?) my town is. True, I'm not exactly an atheist - I'm agnostic. Probably an agnostic theist, if you want to get really picky. I believe that there's probably some sort of higher power or creator, but I don't have the slightest clue what it is or what it wants from me. If my 2 options were Christianity and atheism, I have a feeling I'd go with atheism... But that's not the point. The point is I can't wait to live somewhere where it's not just assumed that you're a Christian, a place where religious discussions rarely end in "Well, you're wrong and you're going to Hell," a place where more than a handful of people believe that you're not an evil, unmoral heathen just because you don't go to church and you're pretty liberal.
Okay. I feel better with that out off of my chest... Moving along.
We ran time trials today in track. I ran the 400m (Yay for mid-distance slackers!), and I sucked. 1:19. Blech.
I just retook the "What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?" quiz. Once again, it said I was a perfect girlfriend. I think there's a bug in the program. Right now I feel much more like a heinous bitch. Okay, maybe not that bad. But trust me, I feel very, very, very far from perfect.
There's not an option on Imood for my current state of mind... Which would be a mix of self-loathing, frustration, pride, annoyance, regret, and god knows what else. It's oh so much fun... I don't even know what I want or what I want to say. Rar.
Oh... This is rather comforting....
Your a BITCH, you like your woman-hood and are not
afraid to show your true self no matter the
cost !_!
Are you really a Bitch?
brought to you by Quizilla
Joy. This makes me feel better... Uh-huh... My mood has just sky-rocketed. (If you cannot detect sarcasm in that, please allow yourself to be drug out the closest street and shot...)
And then there's this, just because:
Your feet are firmly rooted in reality, but you're
still a little too over-eager when it comes to
finding out what other people think of your
mind. You'll probably be fine, but watch your
step, as it's a slippery slope if you stray too
far from the path.
How obsessed with Quizzes are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
And now I think I will run away to alternate between sulking and berating myself. Gee, aren't mood swings just tons of fun?!
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