Monday, March 17, 2003

Yay for my new running shoes! I ran today, and my legs felt fine... My knees ached a little bit, but it was nohting compared to the shooting pains I had in my hips/legs/feet last week.

In other news, my computer is the spawn of Satan. Okay, so it's actually my fault... I should have saved more often. But still, was it really neccessary for the computer to freexe up at 1 am, just as I was about to print my paper? Couldn't it have waited just a little longer? Apparently not... Which is why I got to stay up until almost 2:30 am rewriting the last quarter of my Song of Solomon paper. Gah... At least I got it done, though. I even managed to function pretty well today, despite my minimal amount of sleep. And now my father is considering getting a new computer, since this one has been acting up a lot recently. So all's well that ends well, I suppose... Which is a rather optimistic attitude considering this quiz result:

Its all about darkness. Sorrow and pain seem to
follow you. Things are always at their worst

What's it all about?
brought to you by Quizilla

If that little ray of sunshine doesn't make you feel happy and inspired, I don't know what will.

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