Though I swear my allegiance to Blogger, the idea of DeadJournal is rather interesting to me... Sorry, it's my random depressed side showing through... The attitude of the site appeals to me much more than LiveJournal does... Never fear, Blogger, I love you and I'll stay true.

Cheer up emo kid. Go grab some tissues, some ice
cream, and cuddle up with Further Seems
Forever. Depression is hard to cope with, but
it happens to the best of us.
What DeadJournal Icon Are You?
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One of these days, I swear, I will rid myself of the emo image. Then again, probably not. Further Seems Forever does sound rather nice at the moment...

You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower
of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE
to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat
fear in your readers. You love to poke their
brains with logic dealing with the darker side
of the human mind and character. Truly
surprising and a true individual, you'll do
ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style?
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Yay. And this, my friends, is why my short story did not make it into last year's literary magazine... (Go censorship and overly-worried assistant principals! Way to cut out the handful of interesting pieces we had and preserve the fluff! Erm... Sorry, momentary relapse into my bitter "I can't believe those bastards" mood from last spring....)
Oh yes. Speaking of my school's oh-so-wonderful literary publishings... WARNING: Rant coming!
We don't have a literary magazine this year (Again, yay for budget cuts, etc), so that leaves us with the school newspaper. Dear god. The latest issue came out this week. I decided to idle away my study hall by reading it. Big mistake. Big, big, big mistake. A somewhat anal-retentive person who is considering going into editing should not be exposed to my school's paper. Since I am more than somewhat anal-retentive... Well, let's just say the results weren't pretty. I was very tempted to grab a red pen from my bag and go on a massive editing spree. Then I realized that that task would take ages, and I just don't have that sort of free time on my hands. Besides, it would only eliminate half of the problem... I think I could cope with the poor grammar, spelling, and editing if the articles were worth reading. But they're not - they're annoying, pointless, poorly written... Augh! It pains me to think about it. The editorals alone made me cringe. Though I suppose it wasn't as bad as the issue before this... That featured a little editorial-style note about the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade in the news overview sidebar... In a few sentences, the idea of having an unbiased media was completely destroyed... And one of this issue's editorals picked up right where it left off. Gah, gah, gah... At least it was appropriately labeled as an editoral this time...
And now before I crawl off to bed, I leave you with one last quiz to show that I'm not completely dark, depressive, sarcastic, and cynical...

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yay for idealism and fantasy.
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