Friday, August 22, 2003

I'm beginning to think that I have too many shoes... At the same time, I don't want to part with any of them. So off to school they shall go.

My mom is insanely cool. Ever since Chip had part of his ear removed, I've been saying how we should get him an eyepatch and an earring, so he can be a pirate bunny. She wasn't into the idea... But today she mended Paco the Packrat's tail (he was involved in an accident with the vaccuum cleaner a few months back), and when she gave him back to me, he had a bandage on his tail and an eyepatch! Sorry if I'm regressing back into grade school, but it was really nifty. And I'm easily amused. Whee.

Tomorrow is the major packing day. Oh joy.

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