Mostly dealt with the random feeling. It's still there in a residual way, but that's to be expected at this point -- it hasn't been long enough for an actual change to occur. Anyways, it is most definately not the nagging, bothersome feeling it was before. Yay again.
And now a few more random quizzes...

You're blueberries. Most people don't really notice
you, but you're a good person at heart. You're
very intelligent and they just don't appreciate
Which fruit are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Woodrow Wilson.
You are well-educated and thoughtful. Others
recognize your desire to help them, even though
your intellectual world sometimes seems distant
from the "real world." You are
passionate about your beliefs, and you have
dedicated yourself to an honest effort to make
the world a better place.
What 20th-century Western ruler are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Despite being very different quizzes... They say basically the same thing. It's always cool when quizzes agree.
Now to get started on my lengthy to-do list.
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