All of the sudden a massive headache has appeared out of nowhere. My paper is staring at me, needing to be revised, and I just don't want to do it. *sigh* I'm tired of work, but right now I don't want the summer to come, because I don't really know what I'm doing yet. That lack of set plans is making me worried and panicky and upset. I have this fear that I won't actually DO anything this summer, and that makes me very unhappy. I slacked off last summer. I don't want to do that this year. The idea of jobs and such is creeping up on me, and I want to add to my resume so I can get a decent internship next summer... And right now, the chance of doing that this summer is completely up in the air. I expressed interest in the summer library work early, I turned in my app weeks ago, and they haven't said a damn thing to me about it. It pisses me off -- I want to know so I can plan for something else if I need to. Don't they know they're dealing with half-crazed, stressed, overachieving Swatties?
*whimper* I can't work on this paper right now. I need to go for a walk or something, try to figure things out. *sigh*
Easy Peasy
56 minutes ago
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