Blarg. I desperately want to sleep. I got lots of sleep last night, so I'm not really physically tired, but I just feel draggy and just want to curl up and do nothing.
My family is in Philly right now. We went out to dinner with Kyle's family last night, and will be going out to dinner with a friend of Tim's tonight, then just doing a family thing for my mom's birthday tomorrow. Yay non-Sharples food!
I was going to "sell" my MP3 player to my mom, but in the process of loading music onto it and showing her how to use the software and such, it decided to have a hardware problem. This problem is apparently unfixable without sending it back to Creative. So yeah, so much for that. I guess I have a nice paperweight now...
And I also ordered my iPod today, and am now anxiously awaiting it's arrival.
Now, however, it is time to do some more work. Whee...
Easy Peasy
51 minutes ago
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