I know the lotteries for classes aren't done, so that what's up on the student records site isn't official. HOWEVER... I looked at my transcript, which also has the courses in progress. Everything I want for next semester is there... Except for the life drawing course.
I'm hoping that it will magically appear. Otherwise I may have to beg. Or find another course... But I really wanted to take an art course, and this is the only one that interests me and fits into my schedule. *sigh* It's an 8:30 am course! Do that many people really want to take it?! I could, in theory, take costume design after all (assuming there's any room left), which would give me the benefit of having only afternoon classes, but would also give me a class on Friday (late Friday afternoon, no less...) I guess we'll see.
On the plus side, of course, is the fact that all my other courses showed up. That makes me happy.
Easy Peasy
53 minutes ago
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